March 14, 2025

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update June 25, 2020

  1. Your corn jungle reminds me of the movie The Signs!! I don't know if you've seen it…but if you see alien legs sticking out of the jungle you better run!! LOL!!

  2. Hope those couple of okrie plants that have made it end up producing more than you
    know what to do with!! I'm hungry for okra now lol !! Have my first tomato starting to
    ripen, a tastiest tumbler cherry tomato.
    Have a good'nnn

  3. Everything is looking really great, except for that one variety of tomatoes! It’s really cool that you grow so much of your own protein too!


  4. That corn recovery is amazing! Wonderful to see. Your garden just knocks me out. Man oh man. I'm sorry about the tomatoes, but if it's been coolish, I bet it's slowed them down? Here in Panhandle Texas I have seven Celebrities — they love that high plains heat. So far at least — 102* today. Love your channel — happy gardening!

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