What is GROWING on MY TOMATO Stem. Roots or Trichomes.
Mycorrhizal list : http://www.rootnaturally.com/PlantListMycorrhizal.pdf
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAXrKFjs77o .
How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVaFsORKhl8 .
Excellent! Thanks, Mark
I always like watching your videos. I learned something i didn't even knew I needed to know.
WOW Mark, that was very interesting! Thank you
Thank you for fascinating information about tomatoes! Now wondering about the smell of tomato plants which I have always enjoyed! There must be a function there? It's always rewarding to watch your videos…you are a natural born teacher!
Thanks for the science lesson Mark. Your videos are always packed with interesting and helpful information.
Great info! I feel like my time here is well worth it!
Thanks for these scientific videos. They're great!
Thanks for the education Mark ! I had no idea……
Thank you for the great information. So helpfol
I´ve read a science article some days ago, there it was told, that the plant uses these hairs to digest small flies and so on and is fixing some nutrients lacks. So tomatos are carnivores.
We are on the same wave length! I'm in Maryland and we had the same cold snap in spring and for the first time I refused to use electricity to start my tomtoes and peppers. This evening I will be planting the starts, not pinching back, tying them to a welded wire fence, and mulching with deep clean straw. I like your point about water having to traverse the long stem in an effort to conserve water. Interesting. Good Luck! and Thank You!
Wow I had no Idea! I’ve been wrong for years. Thank you for explaining this so well.
I didn't know that tomatoes have trichomes. I thought that was unique to cannabis. Very interesting.
Hello from Belgium. I found you on a Dutch website about this problem. I am a beginner, and have now about 12 tomatoplants, far too much. They are in pots on my terrace and are getting this white bumps. Indeed, perhaps I have given them too much water. The information is so very different, from different people ! I read that I should water them, even when it has rained ! No, I didn't do that, but perhaps too much still. Thank you for your reassuring words and clear explanation.