March 5, 2025

VIDEO: All is NOT Well with the Tomatoes | Some Common Concerns and Solutions

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: All is NOT Well with the Tomatoes | Some Common Concerns and Solutions

  1. Thank you so much. I’ve come across some of these issues in my backyard garden. I really like your view on gardening. I learned from MIGardener to use BT for munching pests and using it this year has really helped our vegetables!

  2. Wow what an attitude about handling garden issues…You are great! This year I have been hit hard with flea beetles and Tomato Horn Worms Sprayed for the flea beetles and picking off horn worms with the black light (I also use BT), the horn worms hit my horse radish hard this week we had too much rain so I wasn't out in the garden until this afternoon and spotted the damage…time to grab the black light! I'm not getting discouraged, even with the 90 degree heat and 100% humidity Just have to wait for sunset….Keep these videos up!

  3. This is great info. Yes. My tomatoes are done for this season. We have been in three digit hot weather all of July. And I had the end rot on some of my tomatoes too. Thank you so much for all this great information on tomato issues. God bless you. Bertha in TEXAS.

  4. Just want to say you are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing ! Your optimism and low stress because of your love for gardening when facing challenges with your tomatoes in the high tunnel this season gives others motivation/hope to do the same!

  5. If you have a harbor freight or a landscaping supply company you can get a backpack sprayers harbor freight will have them cheap but you might only get a year out of them

  6. I have end rot on a few of my tomatoes too! We had a real hot week here in Ottawa and we hand water. We have raised beds and many varieties. Your knowledge and common sense always calms my tomato nerve! Thanks Jess

  7. I grow tomatoes in Arizona , most of our season is over 100 degrees. we have to water often and deep. but I dont have any issues with the heat. first 1-2 tomatoes have blossom end rot but then nothing but a couple of split tomatoes if we miss a watering

  8. Have you heard of "picture this" app? I have been using it and kinda love it. you take pictures of the plants and it brings up all types of plant issues/plant descriptions/zoning information, etc.

  9. I start my tomatoes early to get an early to mid summer harvest, plan to water more heavily during the blossom drop part of the summer, and get a second harvest in the fall. I'm in North East Texas, so I understand those weeks of above 90 temps that halt tomato production.

  10. Lime changes the ph of the soil. The pH determines what nutrients availability
    I would not add lime unless you have done a soil test which would show if you need to adjust your soil pH. Overwatering can leech nutrients form the soil. The problem – blossom end rot may be resolved simply by altering the Amount of water your plant is getting. Or adding fertilizer may be needed. People can waste a lot of money on solutions that are ineffective if they don’t know the reason for the condition they are trying to treat.

  11. I have tomatoes with blossoms that are drying up, too! It's been really hot here (Zone 8b), & you're right, they don't like it!! But this week is going to be in the low 90s with nights of 75, so I just moved them to a shadier position. I'll let you know!!

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