July 4, 2024

VIDEO: Are you ready for a long winter? David DuByne – Adapt 2030

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Are you ready for a long winter? David DuByne – Adapt 2030

  1. Without studying Tartaria, mud floods, star forts, geo-centrism, time line deception, and his-story re-visionism, we have a limited and distorted view of life on Earth.
    Everything of importance we have been taught is a deception, science has been high jacked and turned into a religion of theorists and believers.

  2. You do realize how many people are "armed and dangerous ", and how ruthless hungry people can be !
    Also, the "powers that be " are not likely to just sit down and let it fall down around them. Of course the internet and all the technical communication is going to go down. I appreciate your dedication and your willingness to do the work, but really what's coming down is a major shift of consciousness, wherein true spiritual values, the sacred nature of this mother Earth, indeed the sacred nature of the universe are brought back to their TRUE preeminence

  3. I know that you are very busy but I'd love to learn more about the 14' X 100' tunnel you spoke about for tripling you food production please contact me if you can so I can instigate this form of farming thank you for all help. God bless America, God bless us all

  4. I respect and love listening to both of these guys, David and Curtis but to be honest the sun has hammered us here in the U.K and it's only now ( later half of September ) that the rain and the wind is encouraging an extreme change of clothing. Regardless, I'm going to take their advice seriously. I'm turning my mind toward growing, not only because of random viruses etc but because if the weather has a personality right now, it a damn schizophrenic. It's all over the place, the spiders are huge in some places and new insects that were not even here before have just appeared because the cold spells have shortened and the insects that are normally killed by the cold are living and growing huge. But. Then you think you have it figured the cold seems to stay for a lot lot longer than it does, so yeah it would be more contenting to belong to a community David is talking about and have the skills of Curtis and others to have your back, and most importantly to know the cycles of weather patterns and be one step ahead. Thank you both.

  5. Well what about Niburu … Or Planet X … There's clearly a new solar system that's now orbiting out sun ?… And has been for 20 odd years … Surely they are causing this impact rather than artificial reasons ? …. Great video guys ✌️❤️

  6. where the hell do you live? I am in the upper northeast areas. We were so hot and humid ALL SUMMER. Oh trust me. we are getting heat this year, and then yeah it dropped in September about 20 degrees but it was in the 90s. And we keep hearing about the polar caps melting and that the weather is getting hotter.. so… now you are saying its getting colder? I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion but the internet doesnt give accurate info, it just gives a variety of perspectives.

  7. We grew enough food for a family of 9 on a small garden plot. We raised green beans, cranberry beans, potatoes, corn, onions, turnips, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, yellow squash, etc. Canned or put everything in the freezer. Put out cold storage crops in an unheated basement. Worked like red headed step children during that time but we never went hungry. My parents spent very little money at the grocery store. It was a very good life!

  8. I follow Adapt 2030. He asks "are you ready to thrive in the mini ice age?" I am a hobby archaeologist. Throughout history, our climate has been at the mercy of the sun and the cycles. Digging a site that didn't have rain for thousands of years makes it clear that we could have dramatic changes in our climate during the mini ice age.

  9. YES!! This is one of the more important issues facing us on Earth/ not politics..not race issues. Our future survival due to the Solar affects we are about to experience in the next 5-20 years.

  10. A system designed to collapse. Yes it sounds absurd.

    But imagine im a master plumber, i provide your entire building with its water system. Ive sold you on the premise that it is sound, and it is for now. But ive also built it with inherent flaws that only i know about. The reason doesnt matter, all that matters is that i know how it works and that you trust me and my system. My main purpose now is to build further trust while turning your attention to the paint job. Its vitally important that you keep up appearances, lest your neighbour thinks you an idiot. I perform maintenance on the system, fix leaks and keep the water flowing. i do this thankless task for centuries. Youre happy, im happy.

    But ive decided this building needs a rework. Remember i designed the system so i know exactly where to push and which pipes to stress to create fractures. That slow drip from above? Well look no further than your neighbors, they really are devils. With their nice new paint job and decorations, throwing it in your face The nerve of these people!

    When, for whatever reason, i decide enough is enough i will simply flood your entire complex. It will be devastating to you but surely this is gods will, or just simple bad luck. Curse those neighbors!

    But fear not, because i have an even better plumbing system ready to save you. I will also take care of your neighbors free of charge, perhaps you can join me in ridding this complex of such people. How lucky for you! What a good landlord and plumber i am.

  11. Around time 49:49, "…I just don't know myself…" Following up this thought by echoing Dirty Harry, "…but being as how this is the grand solar minimum responsible for the collapse of the world's greatest civilizations for more than 10,000 years, and could blow your empire clean apart, you have to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?'"

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