March 11, 2025

VIDEO: Early July Plot Tour #gardeninguk #gardening #plottour

In this video we take a look around the plot to see what’s growing and in some cases, what isn’t. Every year is different on the plot so it’s a nice surprise to see when a vegetable is doing well.

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16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Early July Plot Tour #gardeninguk #gardening #plottour

  1. Ha I have more weeds in my onions than you lol. The cabbage just looks like it has been held back in it pot a long time they might pick up now they can spread out and get some feed. Glad I dont have a problem with the rabbits and the birds here. Never grown swedes or broad beans. Your turnips might just turn up good 😉

  2. Nice update but I can't believe your are wearing a fleece! Nearly 11:00am and its already above 30c here…going to be a scorcher. Naturally I've chosen today to weed and lay 4 years of mulch. I just keep thinking of ice cold beverages to get me through it all. Have a lovely weekend Adam!

  3. Those grape vines need a MASSIVE trim, ASAP.
    Btw, did you know rabbit tastes absolutely phenomenal? Time for an offensive, aka organizing some bunny traps.

  4. Hi Adam, Enjoyed your plot tour, most crops looking good. Congratulations on successful transplanting of beetroot and showing that swedes can be grown as well in the garden as in a stony field! I have no experience of grape vines but I believe that new side growths should have their growing points pinched out at two leaves beyond the young bunches of fruit. Secondary growths should be stopped after the first leaf. I would think that the turnips ran to seed due to the recent hot, dry weather. Still time to resow.

  5. "pendulous Orb" 😉 magnificent mate, I wish i'd grown some myself this year, they are very nice.
    in fact most of your squash seem to be thriving, i'd say mine are 'surviving' Lol.
    oh, no! the R is back – well all I can say is that I've invested in a new 3-9×50 scope so if you want to borrow it some time………..
    Woody 🙂

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