March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Sweet Potatoes WHAT to LOOK FOR 2 Weeks Later

Sweet Potatoes WHAT to LOOK FOR 2 Weeks Later.
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11 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sweet Potatoes WHAT to LOOK FOR 2 Weeks Later

  1. How do you know when to dig up the potatoes? I planted early in containers and the vines are everywhere. But you can't kid us, the plants are doing so well because they can feel your loving touch. Ha Ha.

  2. Thank you for the update. Just want to mention that the morning glory weed that grows in my garden in Switzerland has a more similar leaf shape to the sweet potatoes and the leaves are edible too.

  3. We love to eat yam leaves… cooked in the same manner as spinach. Speaking of sugar snap peas in NJ… does it produce peas in summer or is it too hot and have to wait until fall for more peas?

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