March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Kitchen Day | Preserving the Harvest | Episode 01

A leek broth recipe (though I added a lot of extra stuff to mine)
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Zucchini Bread (I double this):

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Kitchen Day | Preserving the Harvest | Episode 01

  1. I'm also in central Arkansas Cabot area to be exact and I'm wanting to start my first garden this year.. I have never heard you talk about growing corn, is there a reason why you don't grow it in this area or?

  2. This was an awesome video thank you so much and I just love your new kitchen. And I can't wait to join you again in your kitchen. But I do love your video tours of the garden it is really helped me to have the guts to do a garden this year. Thank you thank you thank you for all your hard work.

  3. Another of your videos that I thoroughly enjoyed and learned from. Boy-oh-boy, do you rock 'n roll in that kitchen! I totally get it how you like to crank up the tunes and zone out in your happy place. I love to garden and cook and now I've started canning too. I come from German farmers who survived the Great Depression! I really think my ancestors are somehow a part of me. Bless you for everything that is you, darlin. I'd love to adopt you.

  4. Rich dark chocolate = bittersweet. Soooo good and soooo not sweet together like the grand finale fireworks display on your tongue.

  5. Jes, Egg is NOT needed.
    Cut okra & drop in water for a few minutes. The goo inside the okra will come out and make the best free 'wash' to coat with. DO NOT drain.
    Drop individual okra pieces into cornmeal, flour or both. (I prefer flour) . Coat well, shaking off excess breading and place individually on sheetpan. Freeze or drop into HOThigh temp oil (peanut) and fry in small batches to prevent sticking together. As each piece floats to the top it should be ready to be removed from oil. (Leave in until your desired doneness). Place on paper towels or brown paper bag to absorb excess oil.
    Salt immediately. Repeat. Enjoy!

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