March 19, 2025

VIDEO: FREE | EASY | Tomato HACK Stops Slugs, Snails & Cut Worm ATTACKS with Plastic Bottle.

FREE | EASY | Tomato HACK Stops Slugs, Snails & Cut Worm ATTACKS with Plastic Bottle.

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: FREE | EASY | Tomato HACK Stops Slugs, Snails & Cut Worm ATTACKS with Plastic Bottle.

  1. Slugs don't seem to bother my tomatoes, but the do love munching on my eggplant leaves. I'm going to try with them. Thanks for sharing Mark. I love repurposing materials that would otherwise end up as trash.

  2. I put trimmings from my holly bush around my strawberry plants back in May. I concentrated on where the fruit was almost ripe. Seemed to help keep the slugs and snails away. Then I went to beer traps.

  3. I use my 2 liter bottles for self wicking buckets, so using 3 per plant like this is not practical for me. I was thinking about trying beer bottle caps… Glue the smooth side to something cylindrical with the rough side out. Wondering if that would stop the little crawlers?

  4. Thank goodness I don't have that problem, I guess they don't like the wooden sides of my beds. Now if you can build a SVB trap…UGH they make me nuts! Hope your harvests are plentiful!

  5. In May when the plants are put in the ground, the plants are already fairly large, and this week the tomatoes are too large to remove the tomato cage, let alone something of that size. Definitely something to try when planting things out.

  6. I thought my peas weren’t germinating but it turns out they were being eaten as soon as they popped through the soil.. I sewed a few more pea seeds today and have encircled them with crushed egg shells. I have a major slug problem and tried this with cucumber seedlings last summer. It worked well.

  7. Wow, I love it! I don't have a problem with slugs on tomatoes, but just about everything else! I might experiment using this on different types of crops. Thanks for another great tip, Mark!

  8. I have copper tape from crafting with led lights. I think a ring of that below the plastic frill would keep snail/slug from crossing. No? Thanks for all the ideas.

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