February 25, 2025

VIDEO: How I started a half acre farm on less than 8 hours of work per week

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone started Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada, in 2010. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.


Music commonly used on this channel:

Sweeps – https://www.youtube.com/c/SweepsBeats
Biocratic – http://birocratic.com
The Muse Maker – https://soundcloud.com/themusemaker
David Cutter Music – www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How I started a half acre farm on less than 8 hours of work per week

  1. I am in a situation where I am expanding my already existing Children's Community garden to 2 more urban areas. We have done 6600 sq ft for the last 2 yrs. Intensively. We are adding another 6000 sq ft. Most of this has been in my home garden. How do I plan to set aside revenue for utilities next year? Is there a percentage of revenue that I should put aside or should I do the long math. Hahahaha. I should probably just buckle down and do the math huh? I'm so busy my brain falls out.

  2. If you're not growing sweet potatoes yet they're easy to grow once you get past the growing the slips and planting phase. I lay them in potting soil to grow the slips, the water method just gave me lots of rotten potatoes and weak, sickly slips. I start early March and pot the slips in cups until the weather is warm and the roots are well established in the cups. They have great yields and store well so you can replant the following year, plus I love them.

  3. Curtis-
    Working on my plan to start a commercial farm/homestead kind of thing, and this little farm is super inspiring.

    My intentions are to grow microgreens and lettuce aquaponically in a greenhouse. Outside of the greenhouse, however, I intend to put up a market garden, but following this example. Growing for my own sustenance, selling my leftovers.

    Hopefully my funding comes through though. If it doesn't my next step is to buy the land and do what you're doing here until I can earn enough to do what I wanted. (Edit: I originally called you chris?? not sure where that came from, been following ya for 3 years :P)

  4. I totally agree
    If only we cd just take care of our sustenance …! No need to prove anything to anyone about our abilities.
    Many of us are already realizing this..
    All that we need is everyone – children and adults respect each other and be kind to each other, so that this world is even better place to live
    Living with each other in a cooperative manner and just bother about our sustenance and enjoying life

  5. I’ve been inspired by Curtis on many different occasions. Through many hours of watching his content I have realized growing my own food is 100% something I can do. I tried growing food last spring on my roof since I lived in a city, no yard. Utter fail, damn squirrels ate everything. So early spring this year I moved to a house with a yard. Started a garden and so far it’s had been a success. I started what I thought was relatively small and after about a month into the season I realized it was WAY too small. That’s okay though because this coming spring Taking all the knowledge I’ve acquired this year through trial and error and using knowledge acquired through the web with great confidence i believe I’ll be able to eat mostly out of my garden. Gardening is something anyone can do and it gives such a strong sense of pride. Thank you Curtis for inspiring me, hopefully in the coming years I can buy a home with property and become mostly self sufficient

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