March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Prune Your Tomatoes for Maximum Harvest In 2020

Grow More Tomatoes Instead Of Leaves! Pruning Tomatoes 101 is now in session! We prune Tomatoes early in the summer to maximize harvest and yield later on. In this 2020 video, let’s look at how to properly prune our Tomato plants, both the Determinate and Indeterminate varieties. Let’s also discuss the different sections of a Tomato plant so we can look at them and actually know what to prune and what to leave alone.

We prune Tomato plants to maintain a nice airflow, reduce the chances of pests and disease, as well as to concentrate the energy to the fruit in hand and ensure that if we have a limited growing season that we get the most ripe fruit possible!

Other Tomato Videos:

Tomato Growing Series

Part 1 – Seed Starting:
Part 2 – Seedling Transplanting:
Part 3 – Planting In The Garden:

Growing The Best Container Tomatoes:

Two Ways To Plant Vine Tomatoes:

All About Roma Tomatoes!:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Tomatoes up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Prune Your Tomatoes for Maximum Harvest In 2020

  1. That’s some good advice. If i might add a few things, you have to check your plants daily as the suckers appear quickly and another benefit to keeping your plants pruned is it will make more room in your garden.

  2. Thank you so much for the video. I was wondering can I cut any stems or just lower stems and suckers? My plants are close together and I feel like the fruit isn't getting any sun. Is that important?

  3. I have suckers that are thick and long and have flowers and a couple of tomatoes but it makes my plant heavy and topple. Os it too late to cut it off since I have so many more tomatoes

  4. Best video on pruning tomato plants on YB, I must have watched over 50 of them in the last three months. You make the best sense and easiest to understand. Thanks from CA.

  5. Is it ok to keep my indeterminate tomato plant a certain height? Because once it grows taller than me, I would have a hard time managing it.

  6. If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Tomatoes up and running this spring! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

    Amazon USA:

    Amazon Canada:

    Amazon U.K.:

    The 10×20 nursery trays are a gardener's NECESSITY. Use the Amazon Afilliate links below to find the right ones!

    Amazon USA:

    Amazon Canada:

    Amazon U.K.:

  7. I never concerned myself with cutting off suckers. I actually didn't know what a sucker was until I watched a video from Living Traditions Homestead some time last year. Last year, I kept my one tomato plant trimmed up. It was an Early Girl which is an indeterminate type. It did not get very tall. I had it staked to a bamboo pole. As it grew, I would just add more of the stretchy garden tape that I found at BiMart. It got to the top of the pole and stopped growing in height. Normally, when I grow tomato plants in the ground, I don't stake them. I miss having a garden this year; but, maybe next year. Time will tell.

  8. My Big Boy and Better Boy varieties produce tons of fruit from what most would describe as suckers. I only prune foliar branches, and mostly just when they get close to the ground or start to turn yellow from shade. My tomatoes are about 6 feet tall, with boatloads of fruit. I had to put a pair of 8 ft. long 1×2 stakes on each one to support them, in addition to the cages that support the lower, more busy areas.

  9. I have a tomato plant that unfortunately got attacked by hornworms. We managed to save him for the most part, but he definitely took some damage.

    He's growing some awesome tomatoes right now, but now he doesn't have many branches with healthy looking leaves.

    I noticed the other day that one of those "suckers" is growing. I kind of want to let it grow so he can get newer, healthy branches. Is that a good idea?

  10. Thank you! You made this so easy to understand. Best video I've watched so far. Struggling with a beef steak I am growing in a large pot. It produced so many flowers but they all fell off. And the only two fruits that started cracked and turned brown. I trimmed it up a lot. But I'm worried the super strong Hawaii sun may be too much. Any tips?

  11. Is it possible to have a 3 year old intermediate tomato indoors my season is from early March to October and is quite cold in winter but rarely going below 2C in the day and I have Intermediate tomatoes outdoors ina greenhouse to slightly extend that season in there but my tomatos didn't even start ripening yet and some not flowering yet and I did prune all suckers and the top when they did reach the top of the greenhouse will they have time before the frost to ripe all tomatoes

  12. I am new here and loved your videos My tomatoes are so big and juice but sure will probe them as I don’t know about it. Just a question do I live than outside from September on wards? I am in the UK.

  13. Just ate my first beefsteak tom of the season ! Omg not only are they the size of grapefruits they are hands down the sweetest and juiciest tomato with best flavor ive ever tasted in my life. Im just amazed !!
    Here in canada we get all these toms with no taste at all unless we gro our own.
    Thanks for all your great gardening tips !

  14. Hi…I planted Sweetie Cherry toms. I removed suckers at bottom. There are two concerns the fruit wasnt as flavorful. I'm in Los Angeles and it has been a hot summer so I've been watering daily. I planted from seed and there are 3 plants per container. In the past I've planted the plugs and the fruit was delicious. Any suggestions…I will appreciate. Where in Canada do you live?

  15. Silly question. My daughter and I set up an indoor growing station. It was to late in the year to buy seeds so we just planted some seeds from store bought cherry tomatoes. Is there is easy way to tell if they are determinant or indeterminate now that they have started to grow?

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