Growing more food in less space is easy with the power of using empty bed space to grow more crops there. Check out our new clothing line!
VIDEO: Crops You Can Plant in Late July – Early August for a Fall Harvest
Growing more food in less space is easy with the power of using empty bed space to grow more crops there. Check out our new clothing line!
Very cool video, thanks!
we should adjust the terminology to long season medium season and short season to clarify… with perfect timing i found your video in 2021
I love your videos. You provide a lot of great information. However, I feel like this video could have been scripted better. Lots of confusing double speak about early- mid- late season, but not mid- early- late variety. I feel like you kind of got off in the weeds with some of that stuff.
What STATE are you in.. Florida here
Can I start broccoli from seed? For mid season planting?
Thank you
How do you store garlic? Mine has dried out or rubbery and there are ant like bugs hanging out in there.
HA yea I just commented on this… plant more seeds soon ! Good eye 8 )
pls get to the point
Great tips.
Sorry you’re video sucks. No visuals is crappy
When do cherry tomatoes call it quits? Mine still producing and are in containers.
Dear Migardener, today is August 1. I just pulled an excellent crop of Kennebec potatoes from six 10-gallon containers. They were planted on April 18. I would like to try the second planting ASAP. May I use my new crop tubers as seeds? I am in mountains of North Carolina where fall frost will start in early October (if I am lucky). If I plant tomorrow, I will have 60 days of growing season. That is not enough. But I have a secret weapon. All my containers will be on wheeled shelves, therefore I will be able to hide them at night inside a relatively warm garage. This way, I will be able to stretch the growing season by at least 30 days.
Can we grow carrots and cucumbers?
You promised me "another exciting episode," then you talked at a camera for 14 minutes. I feel robbed.
Excellent information, though! That's really why I came here in the first place anyways.
What about zone 5 first average frost sept 11?
I wonder how pepper plants would do mid season… I saw some at Lowes so I guess they should do fine.
What are you thoughts on this: When pruning your tomatoes of 'suckers', keep the good size, healthy cuts, clone them and have them rooted and in small pot ready to 'transplant'? I have several original plants I was blessed with from a local high school/tech nursery. They were not in great shape. They have been providing us with cherry tomatoes for the last week and we planted the first of June. So, about two months to bear fruit and we have first frost on or about Oct. 15, about 75 days.
So helpful! I'm getting ready to plan my first fall garden in PA and trying to learn as much as possible. While I don't understand it all, it just motivates me to learn more.
OMG. So many words. More graphics… calendar.
Take a shot every time he says "come to fruition".
Rushing to throw some seeds out now! As always thanks for the amazing content!
Can you say when the veggies are due to planted in “Australia” , every one there is about America, which is not the same as here, We are in the South West of Western Australia. Thank you for them, you sound really good. Perhaps you can say why it takes as long to grow Parsnips. And what we can do to improve this.
You're harvesting your garlic too early (and yes I'm also in Michigan). Mid to late August would be better.
I am in Minnesota. Your videos are the closest I can find to my area 4b. Your advice has helped me tremendously. Thank you for your videos and advice. This is my first year gardening, I have very few crops right now. I am supplying three households with garden beans, carrots and Cucumbers. My lettuce just went to seed so I will have good seeds for next year. I also had some powdery mildew that I was able to cure thanks to your video on that. I used the sodium bicarbonate and vegetable oil mix.
I planted some late pole beans after removing my spent sugar snap pea plants and I'm so glad I did. It's late September and I'm enjoying lots of beautiful rattlesnake beans without any of the usual spring planting problems.
Don't be a fool geven me the Major.j