This video shows a snail eating cucumber. A #Shorts video. For those of us that grow vegetables it might be an interesting watch to see how quickly they can devour your crops. This was filmed over 46 minutes and then sped up.
Did you know that they can have up to 14 000 teeth.
#snaileating #snail #shorts
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I totally agree with Zager and Evens predictions but the dates are out.
I don't like slugs, but I find it very difficult to dislike snails, or earwigs! Great video!
That was an excellent watch. Got loads of these fellas on my plot
Purge that bad bear & break out the garlic butter bud.
That was just brilliant….
Your only encouraging them by feeding them you know
I never thought that watching a snail devour cucumber was so relaxing
Aww, that snail was cute and I imagine very happy – reminded me of my dog being given a bone
I was almost expecting a large belch at the end. I'm guessing that it didn't want salt with it
nice one adam
This must have taken 12 hours to film.
This is amazing very beautiful ! Very nice Your channel is the most beautiful channel. New supporter here Please join me Let's build Each other up ماشاء الله تبارك الله قاناتك في منتهى الروعة احلى واجمل لايك لأجمل قناة فى الدنيا بالتوفيق احسنتم ربي يسعد قلبك ويدوم التواصل
Interesting how fast it munches through the slice
Take care
Lets be friends
Cool video Adam, definantly something not to walk up on in the garden.
well i have a white sea snail that has a stinger or a tentacle i dont know what it does but i believe it feeds on fish and sea plants
this video didnt have the music, so I had to turn on Spotify, thank you jackson 5
Love him