June 28, 2024

VIDEO: My Mid Summer Spraying Regiment for Blight, Powdery Mildew, and Pests

My mid summer spraying regiment is simple. We try to reduce stress by limiting how much we are spraying, when we are spraying, and by sometimes not spraying at all. But if we have to, this video discusses my top sprays for pests, and disease like powdery mildew and blight. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Mid Summer Spraying Regiment for Blight, Powdery Mildew, and Pests

  1. So if you use BT in late summer/anytime to control pests because it eats them from the inside out what do you think it is doing to humans when we eat the plants too?

  2. I did all the steps you said with the powdery mildew and the mold spores etc and I traded some of the Dead leaves off close to the vine like I saw in another video and now it looks like my entire Vine is dying it has three pumpkins on it which I hope live but the whole Vine is dead. Any tips on what I can do to revive it or should I just leave it alone

  3. I just sprayed baking soda on my squash with powdery mildew following the proportions you mentioned about a week ago. Got rid of the powdery mildew but now the leaves are turning brown especially the edges. It looks like the leaves were sunburned, although I sprayed the leaves in early evening when the sun was almost down. My mistake, I should have test sprayed first and waited a couple of days before spraying the whole plant. Lesson learned!

  4. The baking soda, soap and oil mix worked! BUT I applied it in the early evening so the sun was still too harsh and it burned a lot of the leaves. Make sure, when you apply it, that the sun is completely OFF the plants for the day!

  5. 1 gallon of water, 2 Tablespoons of baking soda, 3 drops of dish soap, 3 Tablespoons of vegetable oil.
    Copper sulfate – more effective, organic
    Apple cider vinegar: 2 tablespoons in spray bottle of water
    Milk: smells,
    Neem: only early or late in season

  6. The science of this man is horrid! Worse still, people actually believe whatever he says because he already haa a level of reputation! This is why many myths, pseudoscience, and bad science never die.

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