March 9, 2025

VIDEO: The Preserving Tip and Easy Recipe EVERY Tomato Grower Should Know | VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Preserving Tip and Easy Recipe EVERY Tomato Grower Should Know | VLOG

  1. I don't often leave comments on YT videos. I subscribe, share, and assume you can feel my love from Texas. But I felt moved to pause the video right in the middle and let you know what a difference you have made in my life just now. I'm disabled and part of that is having limited use of my hands some times. It's unpredictable and worsening, but I'm the kind of person who tries to carry on with things I love to do. Like gardening. But I had to bail on my garden last summer due to unexpected side effects of cancer treatment. I didn't even watch your videos for a few months, which is how I'm just seeing this now. I'm planting again this spring with so much hope in my heart, but I'm forcing myself a little bit because I don't want to have my heart broken again. The technique you shared for coring and scoring your tomatoes to freeze and peel gives me confidence that my family can use what I grow even if I have a bad hand day (or week). Coring and scoring is easy enough that my kids could do it. I've got lots of freezer space and a huge rotation of freezer bags I clean and reuse. You just changed my whole outlook, just in time for the garden planning I'm doing this week. No more fear of being overrun with tomatoes that will get old before they're used, I've got a great trick for getting to them when I can WITHOUT PEELS! I'm going to plant the varieties I want and let'em rip! I can't wait to be canning! When you speak of your heart for sharing gardening, I want you to know that it's working. Thank you.

  2. What gorgeous bounty! You pronounced confit perfectly. Bruschetta is pronounced "bruce-ketta". The ch becomes a k sound. That's the correct pronunciation, a la Italiana! Buon provecho! Eat well!

  3. I roast all my tomatoes and freeze them untill I'm less busy in the winter to can the sauce. So all summer I roast them peel them and throw in any other extra veggies like squash, small peppers,eggplants, beets,carrots especially the small ones I call it garden sauce and I just defrost all the bags and blend them up. it's a great way to use everything and get my kids to eat everything and it comes out nice and thick.

  4. Shortcut: put the cut garlic in the olive oil before you fry the bread in it. You can push the garlic off to the side or remove it before putting in the bread.

  5. Love all this so much!! Have you ever tried it on spaghetti with bruschetta on it!? I make it the night before even with the salt so make it release so if it’s juices! Then cook noodles and too with bruschetta! Throw it in the microwave for a minute with mozzarella on to! My fav!!

  6. Okay, now I'm going to have to ask if I can adopt you as an adult child. You are just so adorable and I love the way you think and relate to gardening, cooking, canning, eating. Now I'm just dying for that fresh bruschetta!

  7. We have a 1 yr old Cane Corso that is exactly the same …even with his training he is still 100 mph most of the time outside…such a beautiful Dane and garden.

  8. Thank you for the tip on how to freeze the tomatoes for processing or cooking late. My vines are loaded and it hard to find the sealing lids at any of my local stores right now.

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