In this video, I take you on a full vegetable garden tour to show you what is growing on in our permaculture inspired raised bed veggie garden. There has been so much growth recently and it is nice to be taking daily harvests from the garden. This video will cover all 21 raised beds that are growing and will show you the good and the bad of how things are coming along – I hope you enjoy!
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#permaculture #gardentour #vegetablegarden
In other words: “behold my beautiful garden of chaos.”
Beautiful job my man. You, downing, and Mark were my inspiration.
I wish most of that would grow up north in a heavy soil.
Beautiful garden! Your tour took about half an hour. I gave one of my friends a tour of mine yesterday. It took two minutes! Hopefully next year will be better.
I followed your online course recently and can't wait for autumn/winter to get started on my expansion using your wisdom. Love your channel.
Hi Huw I just got your book love it, can't wait to get an allotment to get started
What will you use to support the Asparagus?
Fantastic stuff! Sounds like you need a good hedge to reduce the effect of wind! I put two kohl rabi in the greenhouse where they grow a lot quicker, harvested end of June with a 6" diameter, and then moved capsicum into the void left in the greenhouse.
It’s been a strange summer for courgettes. My friend has a tiny garden and usually finds one plant serves her needs; however she has only had male flowers. No fruits. My garden has a little more space but I still have two plants with only male flowers and a very poor harvest from my other plants. No more than two courgettes from each other plant. I’d like to know your experience.
Thank you for showing things that have gone to seed. My experience this year too. I started to think of it as a failure, but we’ve had more than enough food so in reality it’s just a learning curve.
Outstanding Huw! So healthy and beautiful!! From Nova Scotia
Your garden is HUGE Huw. Thanks for sharing. Great place to learn about the greens. There is enough food for an entire Australian town (a small one like the one where I live)
Keep it up.
Huw buddy How do you keep you peas upright. I tried two bamboo trellises but the plants just fall over. Cheers Sean Swansea
That's so annoying when you suddenly lose a plant that's growing well! We had that happen with two of our Summer Squash/Courgettes this year, but manage to root and re-plant the tops of each plant! We were quite surprised it worked, so made videos of the process for our YouTube Channel. We also re-planted seeds, but the tops yielded fruit much quicker!
Hi Huw, I hope you are well and keeping safe. This was a great catch up on how your intuitive gardening is going, I think we have all been trying to just make as much use of our spaces as we can. Thankyou for all the ideas, tips, and tricks you share with us, they really do help.
What a gorgeous garden! So glad I found your channel!
Hi Huw I just found your channel and enjoy it immensly. Your heritage blue peas at 20:30 are quite popular here in the Netherlands. They're mostly sold dried, rehydrated and overcooked in cans, but fresh they taste much better. If you expect them to taste like peas you will be disappointed, because they're not as sweet. I usually ad them to stirfries or a veggy omelet. If you eat meat, you can fry them with onion and bacon.
This garden is amazing!!!!!
Watching in January, dreaming of July
Great video, love the flowers.
Can you tell me what sizes are the beds showed in the video? Like what size is the one that is slightly larger than the one that is 1,2m/3m? and based on what did you do the math? Based on what is to be planted there? For what are you using those beds?
Thank you!
Perhops, perhops, perhops… Very funny. Love the garden tour!
Absolutely beautiful!
About the wind – have you considered using a Chestnut fence along the windy side?
I think it would suit your aesthetics.
// Ingela
Those onions are impressive!
get the hops going
Me gusta tu canal y el de Charles Dowding porque veo comida, lechugas, zanahorias, remolacha, cebollas…. en otros veo teoría, hiervas y mas teoría.
"Lovely smell of coriander" flower? Each to their own i suppose. I find the smell a bit strong
U could erect a beach wind breaker in front of the courgettes and other delicate plants
How do you build your solar tunnel that you have in your videos?