March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Invaluable PEST CONTROL Tips for the Veg Garden | Easy and Effective Permaculture Approach

In this video, I go over a question I get a ton! And that is ‘how do I do pest control organically in this garden?’. Pest control and prevention is a multi-layered subject so I thought I would kick things off by showing you the natural and organic method I use to control pests in the garden (as well as reduce disease issues too). I go through the context of this method and why it works, as well as give you 5 really useful (but easy) tips to help get you started so you can have a more resilient vegetable garden.

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#pestcontrol #vegetablegardening #permaculture

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Invaluable PEST CONTROL Tips for the Veg Garden | Easy and Effective Permaculture Approach

  1. Love your philosophy. I would just add that there aren’t any natural “bad” or “good” organisms. Nature doesn’t judge. Some bugs are “bad” because they choose to feast on our crops. We label them “bad”. If there is a balance in the system, then “bad” bugs really shouldn’t be a problem and there are so many more humane ways you have shown that can be used. Thanks!

  2. in the opening i see a fair few small pieces of wood on top of the beds – is that residual mulch or just something you leave in your compost (not sieve out)? I'm using a mulcher and obviously small bits of wood break down slower in the compost bin than other inputs. Never sure whether just to put them on my beds or sieve them out and put them into the "next " compost bin

  3. Dreams of spring in zone 4 Canada! Still too early to start seedlings. First week of March for the 12 week bunch such as tomatillos and Armenian yard-long cukes. First week of April for the 8 week bunch….this is the majority of seedlings. First week of May for the 4 week bunch. By June 10 when they start being planted I am up to my eyeballs in seedlings! Love it!!

  4. I will say consider keeping a livestock as well as a garden. Rabbits ,chickens, ducks and pigs work well and depending on your system you can grow most of their food and they make some amazing fertilizer and offer some protein. Depending on the poultry breed you choose you could harvest both meat and eggs.

  5. Thank you for mentioning nature is remarkably good at healing itself. People tend to forget they are part of the natural world and the body and mind are remarkably good at healing themselves too if they eat well, move more, stress less and love more. Unfortunately the chemical dependency model makes some people very rich but many people very sick.

  6. Have you any tips for handling earwigs? I am already making every attempt to reduce moisture….but last year the earwigs were to the point of invading my living space….I can find very little on the subject….

  7. Fantastic very video. Can these tips be applied to container gardening, for instance will no dig gardening work for a large container grown vegetables.

  8. I couldn’t understand why my tomato plant was loving its in ground bed, surrounded by rocket and carrots and potatoes. All my other ones are fighting dusty mildew and it’s a daily high maintenance task to cut off the affected bits. It’s nature taking over and saving me time. I’ll aim to have a bigger area I can do that with for the future.

  9. I've seen a thousand videos on how to get rid of the white fly naturally (that thing is spotting all my plants!) and tried almost everything, what would you suggest I do? I can't bring any new plants, they get attacked by that fly immediately (RIP my basil). I don't have a garden but I always (I move a lot) try and have some little vegetables, fruits and herbs here and there in my balcony. This year I had tomato, spinach, radishes, 1 spring onion and strawberries (+herbs) but as I said, I can't seem to win this battle with this tiny white fly

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