March 23, 2025

VIDEO: 8 Tips for Growing Cucumbers Healthy & Productive in the Backyard Garden

8 Tips for Growing Cucumbers Healthy & Productive in the Backyard Garden.
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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: 8 Tips for Growing Cucumbers Healthy & Productive in the Backyard Garden

  1. One tip that I can share: if your seedling were stunned by some unexpected cold weather in the late spring replant them. The replanted cucumbers will outgrow your first plant.
    I wish I followed this tip this year when we had some low temperatures in early June…
    All the rest are great tips!

  2. For two years I did okay with cucumbers, planting in containers and not really knowing what I was doing. This year I planted in the ground and gave them a proper trellis and they are all dying from borers, I believe. I've been treating with BT but I think maybe I got the "wrong" BT. One is gone and the rest are looking yellow. Last summer I got three cucumbers a day and that was more than I needed. This year I got three cucumbers. One went to seed on the vine before I knew it was there. Trying to gear myself up to try again.

  3. Any ideas about root knot nematodes? My plants barely reach 4' when they are already dying. If I pull them up the roots are riddled with nematode damage. One comment on another's video said use neem oil. Any thoughts?

  4. Great tips thanks! I had to move our garden closer to the house in the last 2 years due to flooding which has increased on our property. As a result, a large portion is now in late afternoon shade from fruit trees, etc. I am happy to say the cuc's seem to do way better with the late day shade (Zone5) . Guess I am a slow learner !

  5. Love the trellis Mark and the tips – all of my sweet potatoes leaves AND vines to the ground were eaten last night – I am in zone 8b. I had wire cages over them – I don't know what might have eaten them. Should I dig them up or will the potatoes still produce without leaves? Any ideas? Love the videos.

  6. Mulch is a big help since cucumbers have shallow roots. Watching your channel years ago convinced me to collect more fall leaves to use in my garden, and it's a big success. I've got more vegetables than I can use or give away. Maybe I need to get a hog.

  7. Hi,
    I like your videos, but the up and down of the volume is a bit annoying. If you don't want to invest in a microphon, maybe stay closer to the camera.
    Still appreciate your work and tips, thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  8. Awesome video. Do you happen to have a video on building your trellis? I love that you used cattle panel. Your trellis looks well built. I’m sick and tired of all the videos on YouTube where it’s something along the lines of: “how to build a trellis for cheap” or “how to use pallets for a free trellis”. I guess those videos have a place for beginners but you quickly realize that in gardening there are no short cuts. I’ve always been into quality things that last a long time. We all know that usually you get what you pay for. With that said, I love your videos because you show us how to do things right, not how to do them cheap.

  9. I can't find any of your videos on containers. I mostly plant in containers and I was wondering if it's even possible to build a soil food web in containers? If so, would I just add some soil or azomite rock dust? If not, what would you recommend as a soil mix and what to do to grow nutrient dense food in containers?

  10. Great advice all around. I prefer direct seeding as well. I always get better production and vigor from direct seeded cukes and most cucurbits vs. transplants. Marketmore is a good one. Nice looking plants sir! Take care.

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