March 23, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Snow Peas

In this video, I give you my five top tips on how to grow a ton of snow peas so if you want to know how to grow lots of peas watch this vid!

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Snow Peas

  1. G'day Everyone, firstly thanks for your support! I didn't elaborate much on the "price" of snow peas in this video but as an afterthought, I do think it is worth saying that even when in season this vegetable is expensive to buy from the supermarket. You might find them cheaper or more expensive but conservatively they cost around $20 AU per kg (2 lbs) on average and that is significant so definitely worth growing as a cost-saving alone! Anyway, just thought I'd mention that… Also, feel free to check out my website I'm in the process of improving my site and this should be complete within the next several weeks. I am slowly developing a "support page" where I log all the products and "stuff" I use and promote as a way to help keep my channel, blog, and forum going and thus keep creating content as relying on YouTube alone is a fickle and unstable business model lol… Finally, I've been reading and receiving more than usual messages lately from people who are finding it hard to cope during the current issues facing the world. Gardening might not fix these problems but it can help you better manage the stress they cause so please – Get Into It! Cheers 🙂

  2. You inspire me every year to get cracking in my garden 🙂 im in South Australia and just planted out a full seed tray of mammoth melting snow peas i save the seed from and regrow every year … Great job Mark and fantastic looking row of peas . ( ps this year my direct sown ones also escaped the mice so im going to have a ton of peas too !

  3. Ah I should've got dwarf variety! My snow pea plants are way too tall for their 1.2m stakes and I've been puzzling what to do about it. Still not sure, as they aren't in a raised bed and I can't go building them a whole 2m tall wire gazebo to climb! And they're all pretty bunched in together (I didn't expect so many to survive) so there's no room to stick in a trellis structure without disturbing the stems and roots. Next time I will have to arrange a tall trellis before the plants are towering over me.

  4. Fantastic video visually and excellent presentation ! Most inspiring . BTW , what part of Australia are you in ? I think snow peas can be quite happy in partial shade , is that right ? Cheers .

  5. Hi Mark,it’s my first time growing snow peas ,and the leaves are turning yellow,please can you help? We live in Perth and it’s quite hot at the moment,could this be the problem.
    Thanks,I love all your videos.

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