March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Support Your Melons on A Trellis! Here’s a Quick & Simple Way

support your melons. Cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew, doesn’t matter, even squash! Supporting them when growing vertically is important and a vital step to ensuring they can be safely grown to completion. Here is a super simple and cheap way to do it. Check out our new clothing line!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Support Your Melons on A Trellis! Here’s a Quick & Simple Way

  1. I started a backyard garden back in 1978, Sacramento, college student years. Smallish land area, had planted the cantaloupe (fortunately) by the rear fence. I used my daughter's diapers to tack the cantaloupe hangers to the fence – worked great! Had no idea what to do, but logic and luck prevailed. Today, 2021, I'm planting in a 5' x 3' raised bed in rural Tulare Co. (now living in the orange & olive groves east of Lindsay, CA) and will make a trellis of 2 x 4 frame w/ furring strip cross bars. Haven't grown cantaloupe since '78, ought to still do fine. Very nice video, and thrift stores for cheap materials is a great idea.

  2. If you're growing watermelon on a trellis, what size should you wait for it to get to, before you support it? Is it not a good idea to do this is the fruit is to small?

  3. I built a trellis using wood to make a frame similar to a folding room divider, and put plastic netting on it. I made hammocks out of the same netting material and it is very strong and allows a lot of air flow.

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