March 22, 2025

VIDEO: How to Best Fill Gaps in Raised Beds in August | Grow More Food & Build Healthier Soil

Today’s video is all about how to fill gaps in raised beds that emerge from all the harvesting we have recently been enjoying. I outline the ‘default’ option for what can be done, as well as other tips and ideas to make the most of your spare gaps in the raised beds.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Best Fill Gaps in Raised Beds in August | Grow More Food & Build Healthier Soil

  1. You are a legend Huw mate. Thanks so much for shouting out about my channel brother 🙂 I have a few holes in my garden atm, so thanks for your tips. but here in Australia, the season is upside down from yours 🙂

  2. Je vous suit depuis plusieurs années. Vos vidéos sont toujours très intéressantes, mais de plus en plus vous paraissait un professeur de faculté qui a perdu l'enthousiasme pour expliquer les choses. Je ne vous demande pas un show. Je vous demande de voir dans vos vidéos un peu plus d'humanité et de relaxation. Merci

  3. I just had pickled radishes in a high end restaurant a few weeks ago. It looks fantastic and does taste fantastic too. Very nice when it's paired with something salty. I am in love.

  4. Thank you, very helpful video. I've had some bindweed creep into one of my new raised beds so I think I'll mulch and cover it with cardboard early to have a better chance of diminishing the bindweed in spring next year.

  5. Open question I have just pulley up the last of my earlies from my raised bed and now thinking of next years crop. How would you prepare the soil for next years crop of potatoes. I was thinking of feeding the soil now and covering the raised bed with a dark membrane to keep out light till next year crop. Next year crop Will be filled into buckets with the soil from raised bed.

  6. better yet, dont have raised beds. they're particularly inflexible and a wotld apart from the much easier to plan and manage standard rows.
    i finally found out about standard rows, having had raised beds regularly drummed into me for no good reason.
    only a few months doing standard rows and it's so much easier not being boxed in. you can set up a trellis at any points, intercrop using standard crop spacing measurements, and plant new crops wherever old ones finished. not so in a boxed layout.
    so this video is about possibly helping with a problem, that you didnt need in the first place. kind of like the bible/church first convince you that you are fallen (a faulty human being) before providing a fake half-solution.

  7. I'm going to try to put some old sprouting potatoes in to see if they form some tiny spuds, then leave those in the ground to see if they in turn start some early potatoes for next year.

  8. I cannot say enough about Huw's book, Grow Food For Free. Definitely check out this master gardener's book. Within the first 10 pgs, the tips you'll find can help revolutionize your approach to gardening w/insight on personal and communal, as well as free and relatively easy ways to keep costs low, while maximizing yields. Great book!

  9. Wow I been doing just what you said today on occupying valued space in the garden……just today actually….and boom I saw this video hahahaha…I'm so proud of myself lol

  10. Ahh Huw, fermented radishes are absolutely amazing! They ferment quickly and give such a wonderful earthy tangy flavour. They don't last for long here!

  11. Fall flowers are another great option for a summer bed that you don't really have a desired succession crop for! That could include garden classics like marigolds, or cover crops like buckwheat 🙂

  12. "It's amazing to see how well nature is at being able to bounce back when it's been in unfortunate circumstances."
    Yes, very true. It just needs the chance to do so.

  13. Hey Huw brilliant thank you. You can pickle most thing s. In Egypt they make a pickle with cauliflower, carrots, turnips, cucumber, radishes especially fresh breakfast as gives a pink tinge to the liquor and they add whole red chillies to spicy it up . The veg are crinkle cut to make it look nice but not necessary. Just equal size pieces so they pickle evenly. Use salty water about as salty as sea water, dill, cracked coriander seeds and whole garlic cloves which pickle and give flavour. Put tin foil over mouth of jar and seal with the lid and leave for about ten days. ( Tin foil is so your jar lid doesn’t rust). You should then have beautiful crunchy,spicy, garlicky pickle. Keep up the videos loving it.

  14. Ran into your channel through Liz. I am wondering how you figured out how to sell your eggs? We have 3 1/2 acres and have had chickens several times in the past. Also, do you deal with Coyotes? The electric fence fell and they cleaned out my last flock. Stupid coyotes. LOL

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