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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith
Email Us: rootsandrefuge@yahoo.com
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PO Box 850
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Greenstalk Planter:
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We have those kinds of pears in Georgia, they don't really get soft. I think of them more like crabapples, where it's best to just make pear butter or preserves with them. Once they get soft they've pretty much gone bad and just feed them to the pigs (or chickens)
I’m so glad to see I’m not the only one that goes out to feed in my pajamas. Blessings
If you like the pears, get some rootstock, take a cutting of the tree in winter, and graft it

It's a super cheap way to get fruit trees. It may take 3-5 years get a good crop. The best time to plant a (fruit) tree is 20 years ago
It looks like a 'Doyenne' du Comice', with the russeting (brownish weird texture) but I'm not sure if the ripening dates match up and it's got a flatter top. Maybe a 'Winter Nelis'?
I too wander the vege patch in PJ's. Its in our front yard and we do have some traffic t times, get used to it folks. After 3 years they have LOL
We buy pears in Colorado and they are green. They ripen to yellow and I can. Keep an eye on them!
I have 6 registered oberhaslis and I'm possibly putting a deposit on three registered lamanchas (definitely one doeling!) for next spring >< goats are too much fun!
Yes!!! Real life!!!
I usually visit my garden, and let out my chickens in my pajamas every morning.
I am so very jealous about your pears. Pear relish is awesome. Some pears are hard. We call them sand pears.
I read the other day that pears ripen from the inside out and if you leave them on the tree to ripen, by the time they are soft the inside is rotten. U tried it with my pear trees and it seems to be legit.
Jess, you and your family make me smile every time. Bless you for being a beautiful light during these crazy times!
Pears ripen off the branch not on the tree. Xx
Those could be Bartlett or comice pears or d’anjou
I am so pleased to see you with your boots on… Excellent fashion statement PJ's and boots… LOL… As long as your comfortable, do you…
Now that you've finished writing your book… You could start a childs book for gardining. I'm sure Ben would help with idea's and the pictures would give the kid's idea's and help them want to try small gardening project's… That would be so great to have your kid's PUBLISHED with you.. Give them a path to teaching other's… I found my daughter learned better by showing other's in her class back when she was in a brick and morter school.. I was in class every day with her helping her teacher. Then we started home schooling and that was the best choice for her.. She is going on 6 years home schooling.
I dreamt of you
Your pajamas are so cute!
Those will make pear preserves. We love watching ya'll keep up the good work and God bless you all
Is there a reason you don’t clip the turkey wings so they can’t fly away? Do they need to be able to fly because of predators?
if you're looking for something to do wtih them, dried pear is delicious, growing up we somehow always ended up with pears and my mom would dehydrate them, they're super sweet and really chewy, kind of like a fruit jerky (I think, I've never eaten meat jerky lol)
My kind of ppl! Chores in PJs and mud boots.
We harvested pears off the ground when I was younger.
I know that this may be a little late, but here goes anyway. A little-known fact about pears: They're one of the few fruits that don’t ripen on the tree. Once they're picked,they need a little time for their sugars to develop, then they ripen (and sweeten) from the inside out.
You probably discovered by now, but I pick my pears a little green & let them ripen. Mine start rotting if they're soft