March 29, 2025

VIDEO: A Day SELLING At The Farmers Market | $1000 or Bust

Serina hasn’t been unable to go to any markets this year, but this week she finally gets to go sell at her first farmers market of 2020. She is excited, she works so hard at the farm to grow all the delicious food, that then gets sold by Ian at market. Now finally, its her turn to grab the spotlight, and sell people a zucchini. Also, the flowers look spectacular this week, bouquets are at their peak now for us as all the best cut flowers are in full production, giving Serina the building blocks for beautiful bouquets. So much abundance!

If you ever want to eat food that looks as good as ours, visit your local farmers market, and support local farmers. One of the goals of our channel is to show people the behind the scene view of farming, it’s a lot of work for not a lot of money, so people, value your local farmers and the effort they put into growing food for your plate. Value your food and the way that it is grown!


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Ian and Serina of YOU CANT EAT THE GRASS feel that every small change can make a big difference to the world we live in. Every garden planted leads to a better future. We hope to inspire and motivate others to make positive changes in their lives by sharing our journey towards greater sustainability as we build our family farm. It’s hard work to build a life worth living, and completely worth it!

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