March 19, 2025

VIDEO: Cucumbers TRELLIS harvest that will Surprise You

Cucumbers TRELLIS harvest that will Surprise You.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Cucumbers TRELLIS harvest that will Surprise You

  1. Great title but I'm so tired of putting up pickles already! I have done 8 quarts and we eat the others every night.. i have 3 quarts sitting on the counter and haven't been out in 3 days. Our trellis is 4 foot. Its a great year for cakes. However im not jealous.

  2. What date did you direct seed them this year. I always have beetle issues. This year I actually got a dozen or so before the beetles did the damage to the vine. The downside is I lost half a dozen tomato plants from the wilt

  3. Congratulations Mark for a large harvest! I am in central NJ. This year my cucumbers are complete bust. Something (birds?) Would break all of the young cucumber fruits as they start to bloom (pieces on the ground), as well as the young shoots. This damage is completely new to me, it appeared to be intentional. Bacteria wilt killed the plants. Probably harvested 5 cucumbers out of ten plants.

  4. Wow, that's a good harvest Mark.
    I did pretty well with slicing and pickling cucumbers this year but not a lot of luck with bell peppers. they are small and not too many.
    Also, I experimented with planting tomatoes intermingled with my spaghetti and butternut squash. So far I have not had any squash bugs. I hope I'm onto something.

  5. Lots of cukes, looks great Mark. I use cattle panels for years. I cut in two 8 foot sections and lay on side with t-posts. This is easier to handle than a whole 16 foot panel. I set on end with t-posts for 8 foot tall trellis for pole beans. Peppers failed as I told you at beginning of season.
    First time with wood chips has been alot of learning. I put all decomposed chips on garden, well it was so decomposed was more like soil then chips. Lots of weeds! Weeded entire garden and mulched with thick layer of chopped straw. That has worked great.
    Tomatoes are best I've had ever! There is so many videos on pruning. I decided to follow your advice of not touching plants at all. Plants are 6 feet tall and totally free of any disease. Usually by this time black spot would of taken over. Your way of letting them do there own thing has really paid off. Thank you for all the time you take to share.

  6. What a haul of cucumbers! Nice. Since your last video on cucumbers I'm happy to say thar I'm getting my nematode problem under control. Many of your followers gave me lots of helpful tips. The one about the neem oil soil drench was the best. I now have one cucumber vine with 3 babies on it. THANKS YOU!!!( to the person or persons that suggested that. I will personally thank them later when I rewatch that video. But right now I'm headed outside to "play in the dirt" as my husband lovingly calls it. Have a great day!

  7. That looks fabulous. I have a good cucumber harvest from my Polytunnel ( hoophouse) but nothing like yours. Still more than my large family can reasonably eat though . I think next year I’ll plant on two different dates to prolong the harvest. I’ve never pickled cucumbers but maybe I’ll try that.

  8. I have one large cucumber vine that's trellised and it has produced only 1 cucumber so far. I have pruned off suckers to encourage production of cucumbers, opened up leaves here and there for airflow and for bees to find the blossoms. There are many blossoms, both male and female, with lots of pollinators. I just don't understand why they are not developing. Any thoughts?

    I have a smaller plant in another bed more recently planted that already has several little cukes starting. I just don't get it.

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