September 20, 2024

VIDEO: My first farm love | VLOG

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: My first farm love | VLOG

  1. Sheep are great so long as you spend a lot of time acclimating them to humans when young. They're worse than goats for that by a lot. If you don't it gets insane and they treat you like a predator which can be really disturbing. They get so scared and so freaked out. Especially if isolated from the herd they can have heart attacks. All sheep on a farm should be handled every day when young for a long time by multiple people. Then it's fine. If you aren't prepared to do that don't get sheep.

  2. I loved 'miah's dream. I often feel that way. I think he's a bit of a kindred spirit. He makes sense. You did good getting a 'miah in your life. If you don't get him, you might have been surprised by his dream. It's not a surprise though. He's all about family and creating things that make it amazing to grow up in the family. He's love. It would really make him uncomfortable if you told him that, but it's true.

  3. I'm so glad that even though you freak out a bit on spiders you also love them and their eating o'the pests and that you call them little ladies. I love spiders. I've had a serious brown recluse bite before and lost a bit o'flesh, but I don't care. They are such an important part of the environment, so thanks for respecting them even when they freak you out a little. That's amaze.

  4. Are you going to put straw or wood chips or compost or something in the chicken yard to knock down the smell and make decomposition work more powerfully?

  5. I've not said this before, but I've thought it often. Rabbits are pretty social and keeping one rabbit by itself seems hard. I mean it's ok if, like my good friend from Germany, you keep the rabbit indoors as a member of the family. Then it gets those needs met from humans. Can't you explore getting another rabbit? I know it's hard. Rabbits grown up away from rabbits have a really hard time. It might be a HUGE effort to get them to acclimate. Still.

  6. My dream is a small farm with chickens and plants and a jewelry workshop. That's all. I love ALL the animals, I do, but at this point in my life I want something that I can get ticking over and feed my heart but leave some room for making jewelry. And I love y'all. I love you value romance in farming.

  7. Have you seen the baby doll sheep?? So adorable!! You guys don't show the horses enough…I don't think I have ever seen your rabbit…rabbits? I have always loved summer. This is the first year I have truly embraced the fall and actually anticipated it.

  8. God bless you for videos like this and just sharing your walk with us. This year has also been my biggest learning experience. We moved to our mountain homestead in November and are winding down our first growing season. God has been amazing in His provision and drawing me closer. My farm dream is 150 acres with a farmhouse on the top of the hill.

  9. My farm dream, if I'm going no-holds-barred, is 100 acres with a horse boarding/training/lesson facility that may or may not host shows. (This so I can have my horse on my property.) I'd have a manager for this portion, and I'd run a smaller petting farm with Angora, Nigerian Dwarf, and Boer goats, Babydoll sheep, miniature horses, and chickens of all breeds. There would be a pick-your-own pumpkin/gourd patch. I'd host field trips at the patch and petting farm and soil conservation/Earth stewardship classes in my greenhouse. It goes on from there, but that's the gist. If I had to scale it down, I'd keep the petting zoo with the pumpkin/gourd patch and greenhouse. And of course both options have a large veggie garden with fruit trees/bushes/vines. 😉

  10. Omg Jess, when Jeremiah said his dream was to live on a 1000 acres and ride horses to gather cattle, I couldn’t believe it. My husband and I want to do that so bad and are planning on making our dream come true. We live in Australia and are planning on giving up our jobs and going to work on an Australian cattle station to do just that. We are hoping to do this in the next year but it is scary as we are now in our 40’s and wondering if we can do it. I still want my garden and to grow and have our own animals, that is the dream ☺️

  11. I had farm dreams when my kids were growing up of putting up enough food to feed our family. I achieved that goals three years in a row, then Hubby became disabled and I had to go back to work. Kids are grown and it's just the two of us now. I'm still working full-time, but Covid has got me dreaming again. I just planted a (very) small garden for the first time in 23 years. Now I'm dreaming of fruit trees and what I want to plant next spring.

  12. I just adore chickens and goats! Only have chickens for now! We have been actively trying to buy a farm since last December. We get so close and then a non-contingent offer that is all cash comes into play :(. We dream of owning a farm. Being able to have a bunch of chickens, goats, pigs, and growing vegetables/fruit on the property. We are still in severe lockdown here in CA and people are starving. We so desperately want to be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus for our community. We have also always opened the door to our home to those in need, women seeking asylum, running from abusive relationships, or people down on their luck. With 5 kiddos every space here is full now and we would love nothing more to be able to help others by using what we have! We are currently on our little 5000sqft lot, but adding acreage would expand our efforts so much!

  13. My farm dream is to be 100% self sufficient with meats and produce and 70% self sufficient with other cooking aspects within 5 years. I want to grow/harvest enough food to feed my family and ours in-laws without needing to go to the store for dairy, meat or produce items. Also, Silvo pasturing our 3 acres of forest so we can add to our dairy/meat production and rotate our animals to rest the land in between feedings.

  14. Yaks for fiber, trained to the plow (hay and oats) and to the family. Sheep several breeds for fiber, milk and meat. Some ducks and chickens. Fruit and nut trees. Flowers everywhere. Neighbors who are friends, so we go help them and they come help us.

  15. My homestead dream is, to be on up to but no more than 20 acres ,I'm ok with 5 acres. Decent home on it,I would like a huge garden, I actually like the layout of yours, with a gate, gotta have some pretty parts.. Flower garden also. I want also a 16×32 high tunnel, and a smaller one also.. Chickens probably 4 . Its just us two and he will be working still off site. So the day to day will fall to me..Im thinking 2 goats for milk. A flock of meat chickens would love to be able to up A lot of chicken in the freezer.. and we have our dog and cat.possibly do some hay. Anything beyond all that possibly would be too much for me. Plus I adore canning pressure canning well all cann8ng!, dehydrating fermentingmicro greens, wanting a freeze dryer, on my wish list.. we actually got a smoker, looking forward to some smokedmeats and I really want to smoke some homemade mozzarella and smoke it..I love smoked cheeses…we also want an outdoor pizza oven wood fired of course, or what you may call a bee hive oven.. I am doing herbal studies with Chestnut herbal school, from N.C., on line, amazing things to learn .. and especially for teas and medicinal herbs.. Oh there is so much!! I can't imagine ever being bored, there is always something your waiting to get to as you have time!! You know thank you so much, your videos are so thoughtful and uplifting, so glad I found y'all through Living Traditions Homestead,

  16. I know I'm late to party, but I just watched this and this is my farm dream:
    I want to have a few laying hens and a flock of meat chickens.
    I want to turn my back back yard (I have two sections of yard, one is a normal back yard and the other is an agricultural space) into a productive space filled with as much garden space as possible and fruit trees.
    I want to source my meat from local small producers and have a full stand up freezer full of locally sourced meat.
    I want to have a food storage room full of fruits, vegetable and jams that I canned myself. I want to have plats of onions and garlic hanging along the walls.
    I want my pantry to be full of things that came from our garden.
    I want to provide this life and experiences for any future kiddos I have to provide them with a life that feels stable, safe and connected to the land and nature.

    There you go. That is my farm dream ❤️.

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