Free Sunflowers Giveaway on My Driveway. Smiles included
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#freesunflowers #sunflowergiveaway
Beautiful! Thank you for posting!
Seems the people were all satisfied with the daily commute.
thank you for your decency. It's been a hard year for everyone. we need more stuff like this.
very cool
Wish I lived closer!
are the deer goona eat the sunflowers???
That was very kind and neighborly of you to give such a beautiful gift of free sun flowers and thank you for sharing.
What a lovely action and deeply touching video. Woke up this morning and feel inspired for my own gardening activities. Wuff, wuff to Weimaraner Lucy and greetings from Germany.
What a lovely gift, thank you
Blessed you for brightening up everyone's life with your sunflowers.
Too bad, I live in Singapore. Would love some seeds to plant them here.
Well done; your a good man Mark.
Mark, now you’re growing organic smiles!
thats so wholesome!
2 Corinthians 9 : 6-8
You must be feeling like a million bucks! Hah! What a blessing it is to give to others!The gift goes both ways, doesn't it?
Aw, mascara ruined! That was such a beautiful impulse on your part!
You made a lot of people very happy! Thanks for sharing that with us.
I was waiting to see if someone would take the whole pallet…but then realized, you don't live on the west coast.
That was lovely. You're in south Jersey, right?
That was an amazing gift. You spread so much happiness this day!!
Hi Mark…What a beautiful video. Such a lovely act of kindness. I actually cried as I watched people receiving your free gift. They all had smiles!! I know this must have filled your heart with joy as it did those of us watching. The choice of music was perfect. Blessings to you and your boys. Loved seeing Lucy ♥
yay, how fun!
Mark, they are just lovely! I know they bring some smiles to some very fortunate people.
God bless you!
P. S. I don't blame them for taking more than one.
Hi Mark,
Did you recognize anyone as regular customers to your farm stand? Cheers,
Wish to be your neighbor! Happy holidays!
I sense a soul yearning to cleanse, to purify and grow from soiled grounds. Seeking for a glimpse of what was only to know it is there… an acknowledgement perhaps. Time heals but it does not forget, the earth is old but the scars of its violent formation remain. We cannot run from an ever-forming earth, only submit to it -breathe in our past present and future. Only then are we free. -Anonymous