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Made myself some broccoli sprouts to add to my salad. These are super easy to make at home.
I rinsed the seeds 2 times per day every day (Morning and evening) but left that out of the video except for the first rinse.
Music: Oakwood Station – Sunny San Francisco
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It's alive !
bro you just ate a baby live broccoli, after we watch them grow you just swallow them in front of us while they're still alive? you realize they had friends, feelings, loved ones, right? you monster.
This is like eating infants.
The forbidden noodle doesnt exist
The forbidden noddle:
Не, долго готовить.
Here i'm in my gawage, got a new bwand broccoli, but you know what i like more than broccoli? Knowledge. And i made broccoli out of knowledge.
Poor baby Brocs..
it's crazy that plants just work.
Do u have weed sprotus?
did you throw water every day? or only day1?
Too much seeds for this amount of microgreens. You should try it in a tray with coco !
Looks super nutrient.
Those sprouts were falling for days lol
literally green sperm
I was kinda expecting a story like plant to plate, but anycase whatever
he killed da broccoli! he´s da murder! eat salty rock you monster
If you haven't tried sprouting, it's so much fun. The easiest sprouts to grow are lintel sprouts – don't get split lintels they won't grow.
What's the mesh you're using?
But, are they good though?
bet that smelled like rancid farts
I won't lie; this is pretty cool
To think all that added mass is air. I know common sense says plants use dirt to grow, but that is wrong as common since often is. Think about how many times a plant will bloom or drop all of its leaves. That much matter is not coming from the dirt, plants do not use the dirt to grow any more than you use your refrigerator to grow.
I bet they didn't ate it
What weird kinda broccoli-
Genuinely what kind of broccoli
I thought it was gonna grow into full broccoli, but while it was growing I was thinking "dang that looks good to eat just like that" than soon after you put it into a bowl and start munching it lol
U r amazing
i am trying to do so also an mine have like hairs i see also yours had and vanished i was concerned it mold