March 20, 2025

VIDEO: I Need Your Help Solving This Garden Mystery!

I am not sure what squash grew, how it grew where it did, or where it even came from. But it was fun!

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: I Need Your Help Solving This Garden Mystery!

  1. Btw love your channel, I'm in uk but your advice and knowledge transcends location, your plant spacing video was a revelation! I've been growing so much more veg and leafy greens thanks to you.
    Much love keep up the great work

  2. Assume they were dropped by critters or birds, as you say you have animals visiting. They all look like they belong to the gourd family of plants which don't always grow true to the parent. I have squirrels here and they transport and bury Macadamia nuts all over my property as well as in neighbors yards. I even find the plants growing in my pots!

  3. Looks to me you'll have some interesting "Halloween" carvings… maybe a new $$ making enterprise! I too had a volunteer growing amongst my hydrangeas, turned out to be a wonderful cantaloupe ! Names, greeniewort gourdy, greenie squat gourdy and birdiehouse peargourdie. Yes very corny but….

  4. They all look like summer squash and summer squash crosses… That simply were left to ripen fully.
    Almost all "summer squash" will get harder shells and 'store' and can be used like winter squash. Not all. But most.

    Try peeling some and cooking them up like any squash or pumpkin.
    Lots of new flavor varieties come about this way.

    What is an heirloom but a hybrid/or natural cross that continued on (tho not all go of course. And not all are winners)

    There are so so so many varieties of squash. I can't wait to try my hand at growing more next year. Only managed 4 this year (only 2 succeeded at all)

    They are such fun.


    I think these are crosses between squash and pumpkin …. genetically, they will come in different shapes and sizes, based on the genotype. Same parent types, but different "kids". LoL And the phenotypes of your collection in the end actually speak to this idea. The large squashes took on the size of the pumpkins but the looks of the squash. The pear shaped ones took on the looks of both parents. And the flat ones took on the shape of pumpkins but the size of squash. Makes sense! My college biology just came in handy. LoL

  6. The zucchinis that my mom grew this year got to the same size as those large white/yellow ones.Friends and family were amazed that they would even grow to that size because the ones from the store are so small!

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