March 26, 2025

VIDEO: WARNING! Planting This in Your Garden is a Mistake!

Planting this in your garden is a huge mistake. This plant is a waste of time, space, and effort!

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: WARNING! Planting This in Your Garden is a Mistake!

  1. Hey mate I’m in Port Stephens nsw and I had one horn melon plant come up in one of my raised beds I don’t know where it came from but I’ve used it in my jerky. And I also had it as a topping on ice cream and yogurt. I think it should be grown on a trellis it keep it up and easier to harvest. Any way I love your channel and give Tuk a pat from Australia.

  2. I love your garden. You surely know what you are doing. Tuck is awesome, I never knew dogs are so many different veggies. I will surely share my vegetables with my dogs, chickens and ducks. Way to go Tuck

  3. I am from South Africa. This Kiwano fruit (wild cucumber) grow here in the wild in the Kahlari. A DESERT like place. Your garden soil are to rich for that cucumber. It will grow more leaves than fruit and will naturally take over.. It is used by the bushman if they were thirsty and hungry while hunting. It is also a wonderful plant for foraging food in troubled times. It just came up outside my gardenwall and it had dozens of fruit on it. If it becomes a nuisance you just pull it out. Compost the vine. The health benefit are plenty. Watch 18 health benefits of kiwano fruit.on youtube. There are a lot of magnesium and potassium and vit C and other minerals and vitamins in it. If you plant it in your garden you have to keep your eye on it, so that it not take over. And let it only get rainwater. I do think you exaggerate when you wear protective clothing and visor to harvest it,. Gloves are all you need. I usually cut of the spikes with a knife and then peel it orI juice it with the peel on, specially the flesh (are healthy) with other veggies and the normal cucumber. If you compare it with cucumber, it is like comparing oranges with apples. You do not plant it in the place of cucumber but as a plant by it's own right. The sheep here love to eat it too. I just think your garden is not suitable for this plant because the richness of your soil. Desert like places is absolutely the right places to grow this . TO ME THIS IS A WONDER PLANT.

  4. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with these, but they are actually very prolific in hot climates. You can get over 100 fruit on a single plant!
    And when they're ripe, they are considerably more tasty than cucumber. Although a friend of mine also said she won't buy them again because they just taste like expensive cucumber.

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