8월초 배추씨앗을 모종하여 감자수확한 밭에
배추를 심어 보았습니다.
45일동안 배추성장과정 영상입니다.
This is a video of the Chinese Cabbage growth process for 45 days.
Have a nice day everyone.
+음악(Youtube free music)
No.9_Esther’s Waltz – Esther Abrami.mp3
Earth Bound – Slynk.mp3
갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus)
+편집프로그램 (Editing program)
프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC)
+촬영/편집 :
Korean Gardener 초록식물TV
#Cabbage #배추 #Chinese_Cabbage
+ Creative Commons
Funfact : you can't breath while smiling
Lol you can just wanted you to smile ily and have a great day ♥️
Ps . I also make yt videos and my goal is to reach 1k and hope it happens soon
Thanks for showing us what it's like where you live. : )
Can you do a moringa plant video
Pls make a video how to grow grapefruit from seed!!!
Muito bom
Make more
03:20 비닐은 회수해주세요~ ^^;
Very beautiful time laps of your country .
Very good Job
I tried to grow cabbage once and it not go to well
No Hatvest ????
i love your videos

배추 잘 자라고있지요^^
고양이들이 한가로워 보여요
넘나 평화로운 하루~~^^
영상 늘 즐겨보고 있습니다 ^^ 씨앗발아부터 수확까지~~~ 두번이상 본 영상들도 많아요~ 배추가 실하게 자랐네요~~:) 즐감하고 갑니다 ^^
Good video show us how to grow chinese cabbage from seed, Thanks for sharing to us such an informative and educational
꽃꿀 채집하는 벌 보니까 반갑네요.
그나저나 여기서 특히 가장 좋은 건 쿠키영상이였습니다. 올려주셔서 고맙습니다.
I love your channel so much! I am currently trying out your method for growing strawberries and I hope they turn out good!
취미가 식물키우기 라서 근 10만명때부터 봐서 오랜만에왔는데… 나작유 느낌이였는데 벌써 26만명이시네요….
So relaxing!!! Thanks
Thats the smallest frog i saaaaaaw cute.
Can't find the bulb planter you're using, any idea where I can get one?
That bee looked huge.