March 5, 2025

VIDEO: Goat Drama, The Goose Gang, and A LOT of Eggs | VLOG

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Goat Drama, The Goose Gang, and A LOT of Eggs | VLOG

  1. I call my geese the honker mafia! They are untrustworthy in the garden and orchard but great fun! I bought some electric netting for them and move them around the trees and let them graze and fertilize and they are quite happy. My son is less than interested in the farm but it's okay, he's a genius with computers, maybe he'll support us when we retire, lol! I cracked up when you said your buck would just pee on himself again if you bathed him. I bathed mine and–not kidding–he immediately peed all over his legs and nose, like I was seriously interfering with his woo power. Goats are a riot!

  2. Thanks so much for the vlog. I did pre-order your gardening book. We just ordered vegetable seeds for our first spring planting. We're so looking forward to our first garden ever and with your help, we can't wait!

  3. Full House don't know how ur managing everything…… Best wishes…. N glad three generations together, little ones learn n elders feel useful n appreciated…… OMG Asher's story soooo funny… Will be a great wedding story. LOL

  4. Let Asher know too learn all he can about gardening and find the passion about fixing yummy food to live on.. He reminds me of my 2nd number one son,Matthew. He enjoyed cooking when he was younger and is fun in the kitchen then and now. He loved to red so dig into books and pile on the free knowledge into your brain. My oldest son is a computer tech,Matthew is a radiologist traveling tech and daughter a vet tech. Reading books made it all happen. So Asher ,feed your brain with word food and keep learning how to whip up garden fresh food..Awesome.Nice to see all the family in the videos..even the smelly

  5. I just LOVE how do you allow your kids to be who they are! Asher is precious and what a blessing he is in your family! I just love that I found you guys before all of this Covid stuff started. Your channel is such a peaceful place for me to land each week! Thank you Jessica!

    Jourdanton, Tx

  6. I want to recommend blue cactus dairy goats. You said previously you weren't sure if some of your goats were bred. In one of her recent videos she talks about the signs that your goat got breed. Maybe it will help for the future.

  7. You're very very intelligent young man there a sure you're great and I hope you come and start being more of the videos because I think that you add to the video. It's not very often that you get to meet someone who's as shy as you are but also as intelligent and as beautiful eversole as you have I think maybe you should step a little bit more out of your comfort zone every once in awhile just so that you could say to hi to the rest of us on YouTube God bless you and I'll be praying for all of you from my family to yours thank you

  8. Asher is seriously so cool. I love to watch how you encourage his individuality and the things he loves. Having 6 daughter with so many different personalities and passions, it is so helpful to be reminded of the beauty of diversity in a family. Also I love his new hair color!

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