March 26, 2025


PUMPKIN HARVEST from JUST 3 SEEDS just Amazing to see and to share with you.

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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: PUMPKIN HARVEST from JUST 3 SEEDS Amazing

  1. Hi thanks for sharing ! Question please :
    Is it a problem if some of your squashes aren't fully ripped (green tops) when you harvest them ?

    Hope you understand my fr-english !

  2. What variety of pumpkin is this? How many days passed from seed planting to harvesting? What is the approximate average weight? Thanks:)

  3. Having a Masters degree in Finance and Math I have calculated that is the best investment you can make. It's a shame how over the years the government has taken away our rights to be self sufficient.

  4. Hi.

    I hope you are doing well today.
    I have some tomatoes that are green but not orange they are big . should l bring them in so they can turn orange, it is getting colder here and they are not receiving much sun. Upstate New York. Thank you

  5. I was surprised that sunflowers don't produce too many viable seeds . The majority of seeds Gaint sun flowers are . Wel, there is no seed in the formed shell. You have recommended sunflowers as a cover crop but I dont see that sunflowers roots don't go way down in the soil, In my experience about 6 inches deep for the gaint variety but a friend of mine grew a single giant variety whos root ball, which i have out side by door as a trophy has a root ball about 2 cubic feet big 10 inches. I got a weed that grows thst produces thick white root almost 2 feet into the soil ( a foot and a half)

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