June 28, 2024

VIDEO: Stop Fertilizing! Your Garden Doesn’t Need It

Fertilizers…Do We Need Them? In my experience with organic backyard gardening and farming, no, we really don’t. The concept of synthetic chemical fertilization of food crops is a modern construct, yet farming has existed successfully for thousands of years. Chemical fertilizers solved a need that was created by modern agriculture destroying the very land it needed to grow food. And this is an important distinction to make, because in the normal process of a plant deriving its nutrients from a healthy soil, additional inputs, chemical or organic, aren’t necessary.

It is the constant tilling, rotovating, and pesticide application that destroys the living layers of top soil that creates a void of nutrition and plant sustainability in land designated to grow food. In this video, I want to show you how to flick this switch and move to an approach where you feed and support the soil to in turn feed your plants. Chemicals need not apply!

If you are going to fertilize, consider making your own organic fertilizer from fermented weeds and the foliage of spend plants that should have been mulched back into the beds!: https://youtu.be/Lkc-bcgvr3U

If growing a fall garden full of delicious organic veggies for you and your family is something you’re passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called “Growing, Better”. Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GrowingBetter

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Kale! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3imbLOA
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2ZvWguO
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2CTZQqZ

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your organic operation up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2xXLfbG
Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aoN1AN
Amazon U.K.: https://amzn.to/2XrQA5A

#fertilizer #fertilizing #organic

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Stop Fertilizing! Your Garden Doesn’t Need It

  1. If growing a fall garden full of delicious organic veggies for you and your family is something you're passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called "Growing, Better". Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GrowingBetter

    Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Kale! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3imbLOA

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2ZvWguO

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2CTZQqZ

    If you're just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your organic operation up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there's a whole population out there that hasn't gardened before. Let's help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2xXLfbG

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aoN1AN

    Amazon U.K.: https://amzn.to/2XrQA5A

  2. Are there any concerns with cutworms? I have read that they thrive with organic material laying on the soil. I had a bit of trouble with them in the spring and I don't want to make a hospitable place for them to overwinter or live in the spring.

  3. I don’t want to add genetically modified products to my garden as they were most likely sprayed with roundup and most corn, soy, alfalfa, canola, etc is GMO. And most hay is sprayed with Grazon which remains in the hay for a few years and will harm all plants other than grasses. I used some composted horse manure around an orange tree and the leaves have damage. Any thoughts on how to handle all these new challenges to organic gardening?

  4. I have to say this, you seem to be contradicting yourself when you say no fertilizers. And yet you're using fertilizers in your soil when you start your plants. Am I being mistaken with this thought? I do love the content and appreciate all of your hard work to get this information out.

  5. Question: my very unhappy neighbors in my apartment complex in the city took the entire communal garden meant for 6 apartments for themselves. I was actually verbally threatened when I asked to plant. They planted herbs they never used, INCLUDING mint inside the garden. Eeek! Finally, ignoring my advice of paper mulch, they mulched reddened dry bark directly on top of the soil. This turned grey and has not been removed. HOW MUCH DAMAGE HAVE THEY DONE TO THE SOIL?? I am taking over this summer…with my pitchfork! What do I need to do to rescue this plot?
    Heidi is St. Paul, MN

  6. Have any of you seen "My Father's Garden?". It is a documentary of the first pesticides used on a peach farm. It is not easy to find but extremely worth it to watch!

  7. I broke the cycle. I make my own compost, make a lot of plant tea which is the best for all the plants. have a growing worm farm, mulch with 100% organic (never been sprayed) products. It's been hard building soil that has been thoroughly destroyed by the previous home owners. Each year my plants grow with more vigor. I installed worm cafe's in 3 raised beds this year and it seems to be working (which means less work for me). I planted a new lawn in the front yard and hope to maintain it using the same stuff I use on my food. This way I'm also keeping our water tables cleaner and safer for all levels of life. It's work but there are big rewards too. BTW I'm chemically sensitive so I don't go down those isles in the store.

  8. Trying to convince people that no till gardening is the way to go is difficult. Some people are so indoctrinated that they become abusive when I suggest they stop digging and use mulch. Quite unbelievable

  9. How do jungle eco system work?

    1. Trees shed leaves or fruits which decompose over time and provides neutrition to the same tree and helps others regrow.

    2. Jungle wildfire, what they don't tell about jungle wildfires is that once the whole event is over all that Ash that is left in ground acts as fertilizer & specially a growth booster for small plants and within a decade or two it grows back to where it was. But only regret humans have about wildfire is that they were not able to exploit the jungle and use it for our benifit.

    Everything takes care of itself in nature but we think it is because of us it's happening.

  10. just adding maple leaves weeds that are unwanted or any groth material that we see as waste is just another resource of mulching
    i covered my apple pears figs strawberries with that but the wind is always blowing it off what is going wrong ?

  11. I live in the desert, where it is just rock and clay, no soil. I have to dig down an initial time to remove rocks, add organic material and then cover in mulch. If you skip this process, no till doesn't work

  12. Hey, What do you use to shred your tomato leaves etc? I find it they are too green for a chopper and its pretty tedious using scissors etc for the amount that i have.

  13. The wife had a few pounds and bought another 20, I guess of Miracle Grow. Since I am in the middle of building a compost area and will have a TON of Pine Needles, cut weeds, Wisteria that has gone mad and Oak leaves to compost down along with the multiplwe boxes of cardboard from Cheweys every month, I am using the MG as an addition to some other compost I have-watered down. Figure use it rather than waste the money so….

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