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Beautiful farm sir l
You should grow a tree then build a tree house Garden I have been actually suggesting it to a lot of people on YouTube and garden dudes and dudets. I think we can really change the world for the better this way we can have acres of trees and our technology grow really cool trees that will have really funky and cool stuff that will happen to save this world. Your doing a foraminal job love teal color and stuff but yeah looks funky and cool
Please do a "how to be successful on youtube" video. What are your secrets? Lol

I couldn't find your contacts, so can you please give me your email? I would like to talk to you about featuring your videos on Crafty Panda Facebook page!
Thank you, very helpful
Hi, good day, just want to ask what is the best tempersture to start planting tomatoes, peper etc. Thanks in advance.
please open subtitle bro we like to watch you
I couldn't agree more on building the foundation in year 1 and/or 2. We're in year 1 and just discovered the no dig method through your channel. Thank you for sharing. This is huge for us! Even in our small growing space.
We have been planning and searching for the right place for us. Hopefully, next year will be the year.
Hi…. great video & love your positive attitude… cheers from Australia
How can I execute this here in our country with a lot of monsoon rains when I will prepare this at this time. I hope you can help me Moreno I have been binging on your videos on starting up and I really want to change our traditional way of farming.
Adrian, Philippines
Pourquoi il n y a pas de sous titrage français ???
Thank you so much Mr. Moreno you inspired me on how to start a small farm will start as soon as I go home.
Sir, Why we need to lay cardboard in the bed before of all?
Love your work
Really useful tips..
Indeed.. in our case we only focus on rice farming every year . Which cost a lot of expinces.. thank you for this such wonderful idea..

Thanks for the well-articulated videos that cut out the fluff, get the point across clearly.
After 7 years I'm still fighting snails… I could never sell since everything gets nibbled on. I learned to live with it though… lol
Thank you so much.
Wise council! thanks.
That was a good advises for new farmers. Planning to have my own organic farm.
I would start by growing soil using cover crops. I would recommend the Jena experiment in plant biodiversity and also watching Dr Christine Jones' video Quorum Sensing.
Subtitulos plis! From Chile.
What zone do you live in !?