March 23, 2025

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: I Was 100% Sure Our Strawberry Beds DIED and then a Miracle Happened

  1. I want to redo my strawberry bed and transplant runners into a green stalk! So should I plan on buying 3 so I can ultimately have the 3 beds you talked about in this video?

  2. My sister used to run over her strawberries with a ride on lawn mower. She was trying to kill them. I told her that was the reason they were so healthy. A good cut back stops the crown growth and focuses on leaf and berry growth.

  3. I always enjoy your strawberry videos. I planted a whole raised bed of strawberries, I nurtured them, replanted runners and after 2 years was not productive enough to keep as a crop. So I pulled them all out. Here is Maine I can pick from a “u-pick” for $2 a pound which at this point is more worth it than me growing them. Plants are amazing and nothing makes me happier than working in the dirt. I thank you for all your encouragement to stick with it. Some years we have a win and some years a loss.

  4. Can you do a video showing how you'd prep produce from your garden to be sold or donated? I'm wondering if there's a special technique for keeping things fresher longer. Thanks

  5. I always say rain makes all the difference….It is amazing what a little rain can do for a plant. I had a volunteer that I transplanted and I was sure that it was a goner….then came the rain. Life! I still have it and I have put it in the greenhouse. 🙂 IDK how much longer it has, but I was very surprised that it has made it this far!

  6. Even gardeners that are old hands at this gardening game like to know that other experienced gardners have failures too. What variety of strawberries are you growing. I am in SW Michigan and am looking to start a strawberry bed.

  7. Can you still transplant strawberry runners now? I live in Ohio zone 5 and haven't had a chance to move them to the new strawberry bed.
    Will they have time to establish or should I wait till next spring?

  8. Finally think I solved the strawberry puzzle here, at least halfway. Out of the 70 plants that went in during late fall, maybe 20 have survived the summer! Totally amazing, because that's NEVER happened before. They are the runners that rooted around wall corners, down under raised bed edges, out of basically any direct sun. Who knew to grow strawberries in shade???
    So new plan, the little shady strip to the north will be the strawberry patch! Still may need to catch runners that head out to the sun and root during winter, so they can be protected against the house wall the rest of the year. This is so extremely exciting! All because I decided to ignore usual 'first year' strawberry advice about not letting runners develop, etc. I figured I was going to see if the plants could find a way to survive, and they did!

  9. Blessed be God Most High possessor of heaven and earth for allowing your fruit to grow. God is so good and has compassion on us when we are troubled. God bless you and your family!

  10. I had this same experience just a few days ago, no temp change, but I had my strawberries in some containers outside. The wind broke a bunch of them during the night, I thought a couple were done for because I didn’t see any visible foliage. I had a “what if moment” and left them in the soil thinking “The worst case scenario, they wouldn’t come back and I would just pluck them in a week.” Now there’s new growth, it’s amazing how resilient strawberries can be.

  11. I transplanted my strawberry's into containers because in the raised bed I've had these two years and I have not had any production of fruit, so being discouraged I decided to put them in containers and help to make the soil more acidic because I thought maybe that's what was causing it. But now that I have them in containers the leaves are green but they're really wilted down and I don't know if they're going to come back. I think it would probably take a miracle.

  12. Luke, I just watched a video where a guy shows what he does and he clips all of his strawberries 1 inch from the crown and then puts grass clippings around the plants for winter mulch. My strawberry bed is a MESS!!! I'm dealing with the same thing you had on one of your older video's. I should have only planted about 8 plants in my bed and I planted 20 plus.

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