Prepare Your Strawberry Plants For The Coming Winter! Strawberries are super hardy plants, enjoyed in temperate climates around the world. However, a few extra cold nights here and there and even the hardiest of berry plants can perish.
Now is the time to set up your Strawberry plants for their winter dormancy. The few steps you take here will ensure that your enjoying the most epic of bumper crops next spring and summer!
If growing a fall garden full of delicious organic Strawberries for you and your family is something you’re passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called “Growing, Better”. Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!:
Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for Strawberries! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!:
Amazon Canada:
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Amazon UK:
If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Strawberry operation up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:
Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:
#strawberries #winter #gardening
Winter is a bummer here near North Myrtle Beach. Rollercoaster temperatures. Down to freezing or upper 20s for a night, maybe 2, then back to the 40s overnight, still getting near 50s and 60s during the day. I may have to dig up the Quinault Strawberries in January and pot them.
How do you make your amendiments?
This coming spring will be my first try at a garden. The first video I saw of yours you were wearing an Expos hat… Auto Sub from me
I am planning on trying strawberries in rain gutters, should I plan on bringing them indoors for winter (Normally around 30 degree average winter here) or will straw be enough outside?
I have some strawberries in terracotta containers.
I live in a high winter rainfall region. It is very storm- windy ,some hail, ( Cape Town, South Africa.)
1)Would the steps be the same as in your video? I am afraid the roots will rot with the excess of water.
The lows average approx 10 degrees celsius-ie 50 degress farenheit.
I saw someone else in India who seemed to store the plants in dry peat or coconut coir tied up in a plastic bag/no moisture in the dark over winter. Fine if one has a few plants?
2)What are your thoughts on this 2nd method?
Thanks for all the advice.
Are you 9b in California. Every 9b state is different. I'm trying to find someone who has the same climate as I do
Such good info! Question…late last year we moved into a house that had an existing raised bed full of strawberry plants. I didn’t know to winterize them. Are they doomed for spring? I’m in Northern California.
This video was perfect for me. Thank you so much for the helpful information
how can i tell if my strawberry plants are dead? they were in a pot, and i left them out all winter. now we're mid spring, and i don't see any new growth except for what looks like a some tiny fuzzy looking things from the crowns. i am wondering if they survived that this would be the earliest signs of growth, but i don't have high hopes.
Stinkin winter makes thing so much harder lol. Thanks for this video.
Whoch zone are you in? Winter where I am can mean -30C. Will my berries survive that kind of winter in pots? Zone 6b
it is mid june and my strawberry leaves are already turning red and yellow
So…if I take my potted strawberries into the garage does the lack of sunlight not hurt it?
Will this work well for zone 5a? -25 is around the coldest we get and I have mine in raised south facing beds
Uh…do you water strawberries during winter month? Indoor/outdoor.
in my zone3b, winterizing would mean from October to Early June. That is 9 months of babying a plant inside
what are your thoughts about planting bare root strawberry plants now.
Good information!
This is a great video thank you so much .
Can I put my strawberrry plants in the garage over winter? We get to -40 sonetimes here in SE Saskatchewan
you sold me on the rider hat, thank you for the info!!
When I receive my strawberries in the spring they come bunched up and brown. When do the companies bunch them? Are they stored in pots with compost all winter like this?
Can I just put them in the Windowsill or do I need to buy a special light?
What is the ratio of each of your muxtures???????
Does it make a difference if it's a non-runner making strawberry?
We are told to pinch the first year blooms! I followed the false advice and after the first year they were all dead. I did everything the pros said. It’s just that in zone 9(sw fla) it’s too damn hot. Tried shade and so forth. I had the wrong variety. Be absolutely sure you have plants for your zone. Real good video here!
How often do you water your strawberries in winter? And do you only water from below or just occasionally from above?
great tutorial! I just moved into a new house and the previous tenants left their hanging strawberry plant, so I wanted to keep it alive over winter