March 19, 2025

VIDEO: Building a FORTRESS for my KNF IMO 1 collection, I know, MEA CULPA ■ VLOG #8

Building a FORTRESS for my KNF IMO 1 collection, I know, MEA CULPA ■ VLOG #8

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You want your homestead not only to be practical, but also beautiful, right? That’s exactly what we are aiming for here at the sandy soils of our small suburban homestead, located in the heart of Toxandria. The creative use of metal and wood in our homesteading projects, makes all the difference in how far we can take our homestead endeavours.
So come along, and follow us on (y?)our journey to a creatively fullfilling lifestyle of self-sufficiency. Thank you for your support! ♡

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“What on Earth is going on with the start of Vlog #8,” I hear you wonder. “This doesn’t seem at all like it’s going the be a complete step by step guide to make IMO like the previous vlog”. Well, let me reassure you, you are a little bit right and a little bit wrong with both of those assumptions. Please be so kind to let me explain these horrific scenes of a wooden IMO collection box before you decide to skip this video all together. Something which is not helpful for the channel by the way, so if you haven’t subscribed yet, this might be the right time to click on that subscribe button and maybe even on the bell icon right next to it, so you stay on top of all the bits and pieces of weird, funny, surprising and even at times educational videos that this channel sends out from time to time into the worldwide realm of Youtube. Now, with that taken care of, this video wasn’t even suppose to be a video at all. You see, I just got into my experimental state of being once again when I discovered a slightly overdate package of brown biological mushrooms in the vegetable drawer of my fridge. They all looked fine, except one, that had a little white mold on it. Now, when 99% of people see white mold like that they either enter a state of disgust that keeps resonating in their heads for quite some time after the event actually took place, or they just throw the mushrooms in the bin and that’s the end of the story. I, on the other hand, since I have been learning all about Korean Natural Farming and one of its core components, namely IMO, I see potential at the slightest bit of white mold I might detect. Wether that white mold turns up in a funky corner of the garden, under an unsuspecting tree or in the plastic compost bin, I will make this statement once again: White mold means potential. So, when I spotted the small white mold patch on one of the mushrooms, I decided to give it a go. Why not? Except some rice and a little bit of time and effort, I really had nothing to lose in this attempt of trying to gather some mushroom IMO to add to my IMO collection, right? So, I put some slightly undercooked rice in a left over wooden box, I think it originally held tangerines, but it was clean and perfect for my attempt to try and gather some mushroom IMO. I fastened some paper towel on top of it, after I had put all of the mushrooms on top of the rice. I know, that is not the way to do any of it, but to begin with, I really had no high expectations for this IMO collecting attempt at all, so I looked at it more as an experiment then anything else, something that is fine and I am completely at easy with because Master Cho, the creative spirit behind Korean Natural Farming approves of and even encourages experimentation, as you can see in this excerpt of the manual to Korean Natural Farming. So I filled up a green plastic bowl which was slightly larger then my wooden IMO collection box, with a thin layer of potting soil, and I placed the wooden IMO collection box on top of it. When all was ready, I put the box outside under my terrace table, and didn’t think twice of it. Until the 5 day wait was over and I discovered that my little friend with whom you have had the privilege to be acquinted with in my previous vlog – in case you missed it, I will make sure to put a link to that video at the end of this one – had, to my utter disgust, payed my IMO collection box a detrimental visit once again. I know, I know, I should have known better and like a good girl I should have learned my lesson the first time. But mea culpa, what can I say, I didn’t. As usual. So, I guess it’s clear by now that I am not a donkey. And if you don’t know what that means, I have the following sad announcement for you: “You have failed the Toxandrian Knights membership test.” But back to business, because I wasn’t born a quitter. And that damn rat stinks if she thinks that I am about to give up on my mushroom experiment. Because, as you could see at the beginning of the video, she ate all the rice, but left the mushrooms untouched. I didn’t know that rodents could by so picky about their food, but I guess this incident shows that rodents know more about food …

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