Let’s get this compost KNF IMO 1 & 2 party started ■ VLOG #9
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You want your homestead not only to be practical, but also beautiful, right? That’s exactly what we are aiming for here at the sandy soils of our small suburban homestead, located in the heart of Toxandria. The creative use of metal and wood in our homesteading projects, makes all the difference in how far we can take our homestead endeavours.
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Now, what better way to begin my #9 gardening vlog then with a sneak peek into my plastic compost bin, right? Haha, but that’s only partially what you are here for, isn’t it. Because the thumbnail promised you the collection and preparation of the Korean Natural Farming solutions IMO 1 and IMO 2, and that is exactly what I am going to show you in this video, so grab yourself a drink, curl yourself comfortably up in your couch under your cozy TV blanket, click the subscribe button and the notification bell right next to it if you haven’t already done that and let’s get this compost Korean Natural Farming IMO 1 and 2 party started. As you could see, my compost bin is hiding some white moldy treasures and there is nothing more that I like these days then traces of white mold. Well, that a lie actually, There are some things that I like better, but gardening wise, finding white mold in unexpected places does make my heart beat a tiny bit faster. Because white mold means potential. Potential to turn it into one of the 9 Korean Natural Farming core solutions, so if and when I detect a spot, I don’t hesitate one second. So, when I discovered these little white patches in my compost bin, I didn’t have to think twice and I hurried to cook up some slightly undercooked rice to fill up one of my wooden IMO collection boxes. You can notice my impatience here when I didn’t even take the time to let the rice cool off enough before I put it in the wooden box. After that, as usual, I struggled with putting the paper towel tightly around the wooden box, so that no bugs or insects could enter and contaminate the rice. The paper towel however lets the air flow freely in and out of the box, so the spores of the fungi can get through the microscopic small holes of the paper towel easily. After I finally had attached the paper towel as tightly as I wanted it to be, it was time to pay another visit to my plastic compost bin, where the small patches of mold where waiting eagerly to multiply themselves further onto the newly fresh slightly undercooked rice. Well, to be honest, that’s only an assumption of mine, but these are living things we are working with here, so I like to remind myself of that fact now and then.
As usual I forgot to put some of the white moldy stuff on top of the paper towel, so on day two of the IMO collection project, I payed another visit to my plastic compost bin to correct this situation at once.
So, here we are, five days later and I can hardly wait to see the outcome. How anyone can get so exited about some white mold, it really beats me, and if you would have told me something like that before I got acquainted with Korean Natural Farming, I would have looked at you with wide staring eyes full of wondrous disgust, but now that I know better, I will never ever look the same at white mold again. Never. Ever. How about you? Do you feel that same excitement when collecting your IMO’s too?
Wow, this isn’t quite as white as I thought it would be. I see a lot of different colours here, so I’m not really sure what to think of it.
Well, I guess it’s worth saving a bit of it. After all, according to the Korean Natural Farming Manual we should maintain IMO diversity and avoid being too choosy in collecting different Indigenous Micro Organisms. Instead, we should collect and even mix micro organisms from diverse environments. Well, I guess these sentences justify me saving and turning some of this colourfull IMO 1 into IMO 2, which I do by just adding the same amount by weight of raw unrefined brown cane sugar to the rice, and stir it around until I feel the rice become a little bit moist. Next time, remind me to use my mixing bowl again for this process, because my hand was just a bit to large to get comfortably into the glass jar to mix up the rice with the sugar. But, my IMO mixing up bowl was used for collecting nettle seeds at the time, so, with life happening, one has to play with the cards she is dealt with, right?
Well, I surely hope that you enjoyed watching this vlog as much as I did creating it. If you haven’t subscribed to our channel yet, I surely hope you will consider it. It’s a tremendous motivation for us to continue…