What ingredients can be added to a compost pile, and which ingredients should be left out. All that and more we will be talking about in today’s episode. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: What Things Make Great Compost & What Things Shouldn’t Be Composted
What ingredients can be added to a compost pile, and which ingredients should be left out. All that and more we will be talking about in today’s episode. Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
stop composting snacks, check.
I have a compost thats great and I also have a lazy compost thats been there for years and years. You know, end of the day and tired and you throw it in and say I deal with it tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes!!
Are egg shells good for a compost
What about eggshells? From raw eggs and hardboiled eggs? Are they safe to compost? Thank you! I continually learn so much from your channel!
You can put meat and bones perfectly fine to use those
It's amazing how useful the information in this channel is!
Hi! What’s your take on mealworm/superworm composting? I’m not sure about the exact name of the technique, but beetle larvae are used instead of earthworms
I wouldn’t be the gardener that I am now, without you. Thank you
I’ve heard egg shells are good in compost – is that accurate?
So question for anyone in the comments if water is needed for compost then if I'm in a dry place growing zone 13 should I water it every so often if it never rains where I live?
QUESTION: I started my first compost bin a couple months ago (to break down throughout winter, I live in Michigan). Was it ok to use maple leaves that had the fungal disease Rhytisma Acerinum (black tar spot) on them?
What about pistachio nut shells my wife loves them also heard a little human urine is good for getting the bacteria going
So this goes for worms too?
Can I put all the vegetable scraps through a food processor before dumping into the pile? How about strawberries? Too seedy?
Can you add coffee filters to your compost pile as long as they are paper coffee filters? My family and I are new to gardening and have been following your channel we are also from Michigan so your channel is a great guide for us. Thank you for all the information it’s been a great help to us Luke.
I Just LOVE YOU! Thanks for all the Info. God Bless U.
How do I fix my compost. It's pretty much a sludge.
Are egg trays and coffee tray (recycled paper fibre) safe for compost?
How about pet hair? Even human hair for that matter?
I use a tumbler compost barrel for my urban garden. We have a great deal of appropriate kitchen scraps and coffee grounds etc. The problem I have is that this mixture is too wet. Too much green and not enough brown. I have not been adding my leaves because of all the oak seeds. I happened upon the pine shavings for rabbit cages at Tractor Supply. I mixed in some of this and it worked great! I put some in the bottom of the countertop compost bucket and that eliminates the sludge at the bottom. I thought I had a great solution until another Utuber said to "never put pine shavings in the compost." What is your recommendation on the pine shavings and the oak seeds?
This is one of the few channels where I can like the video before even watching it haha, love your channel brother
New composter putting all my weed seeds from grass clippings in my compost. Well we will see how it goes.
How should ash from fires be used in the garden?
i eat a banana a day with my pills and i take a pair of scissors and cut my peel up into small squares easily done and i either put them in the compost or down in my hole when i plant some veggies. my napa loves them.
What about seeds, herbs, spices, and nuts
We get the used grains from our local brewery to add to our compost. Found out that some local farmers were doing the same with their fields. Its free. Its waste product to the brewery.
Are pecan leaves good for compost or do they contain the same negative effect as walnut leaves? Thank you
Adding a trihoderma helps a lot.
You have to work those leaf piles