In this video, I give you a demonstration on how I sow and plant chillies (hot peppers) for growing them in a raised garden bed.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
jalepeknow lolllll
"An-uh-hie-m" Could also say "An-ih-hie-m"
awesome! it is pepper planting time here in Northern California, thank you!!
I have about 15-20 different chilli plants in my garden, it's mainly all I grow. I sowed what we're meant to be Thai birds eye chilli's, only one of which sprouted. After about 2 months I finally looked at photos of thai birds eye plants and realised mine was not that… Turned out to be a South East Asian Vegetable Hummingbird. Straight out of the chilli patch once I saw it grows into an 8m tall tree. The flowers are edible and quite common in dishes in Asia and India though so it's going into a pot NEXT to the chilli's.
Great that the chicken was used. And got buried. Glad you put him to good use mark. Love your vids.
Where do you live in australia
That poor chicken
Stupid male ducks god I hate them!
“The Sun sets in the West here” lol
Love your videos Thank you
firecracker day still happens in the NT mate, there is 1 day a year where fireworks are legal
Are you not worried about cross polination?
Where I live (Norway), we refer to capsicums and chilies as ''Paprika'' for the ones with no heat or low heat (under 1000 scovilles), and ''chili'' for the hot ones.
0:28 the spanish word for chillie is Chile, in the english lenguage u speak the spanish e like it was ie and chillies is like saying chiles in spanish …. i think maybe its because of that? maybe some species of chillies are native from america like chocolate and we speak spanish in most of the continent xd i dont know man
Why are they called chilies? usually it is like eating molting rock
Being in Australia you don't need EBay for chilli's mate , hippy seed company based over there is on point
Hi Mark. Do you prune your chili?
Your are a joy to watch and the vids are so educational. Your land is beautiful. Your ideas are so creative and thoughtful. I could go on and on, but this is one of my favorite gardening channels.
If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your arm.? I have 3rd degree burn scars on my foot and the feeling of the scar tissue is mainly numb
How do you prevent cross-pollination when planting different sorts so close?
wish I got an entrenching tool when I was in the ares , but they looked after those things like rocking horse shit , was eaiser to walk off with a slr.
Hey Mark, have you tried the mini or baby sweet capsicum…I bough some organic ones, they are from Macro Foods. They are the best tasting capsicum I’ve ever eaten, especially the orange ones. I’m growing some from the seeds …just started sprouting. Cheers Greg
"Ana HIME " Long "I' as in Iceland
lol…binge watching ..better than TV
Bungers and Tom thumbs. Kids are just missing out on so much.
Chilli plants self pollenate, so you don’t need to worry about the netting. The wind should be enough to knock the pollen around.