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One of our longest ones yet, and more to come! The sunflower really thrived under our grow lights.
I Hope you will enjoy the video, back again next week!
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How long till it makes edible seeds?
zombie: in your lawn
I just love the classic music
The way the sunflower blooms it’s just like muah :^
Parents: Everything in nature happens while we aren’t watching
This guy: Are you sure about that?
planted 10x seed for 2 weeks = zero activity ;~(
That's kundalini if you have the perception
Hello sa mga class mates ko dyan
Living Flower Born!
I'm currently growing mine using a dehulled white sunflower seed. Can't wait to see the end result!
Oww so in 3 days the sprout will come out, i been planting my sunflower and my brothers sunflower
The root is grown, i get the seeds from our hamsters foods that our mother buy one and it has many seeds so we test that it floats in water but, now in Sunday 26 sep 2021 i take the two little cactus and i think the cactus scream because i want to change the baby cactus into the bigger pot to more place to grow then i want to place it the pot in my sunflower pot, when i digging it i found a seed and the roots come out and im appalled, and my brother too, so the cactus is in other pot i keep putting the soil or dirt?, oww its dirt i guess soooooooooo
I have a question.. how many sunflowers can a plant produce?… I mean the same plant can bloom many sunflowers at the same time or is it a only flower pant?
well who the hell said plants don't move?
Wait why did it bloom on the 69th day
I've planted 2 varieties of Sunflowers (The 2m and the 30cm 'Dwarf')
Both have taken about 8 days to germinate.
The 2m is getting too big for my small greenhouse and will soon be transferred into the ground, and the dwarf (that was planted later) is already getting it's 3rd pair of leaves.
Might be getting some 'Teddy Bear' Sunflower seeds from a nice lady so I look forward to planting those as well
Flower die because she is too old but that's sad like the I get old I die it's at the same thing
Can you do babys breath?
Please do more videos like this
Do we need to use fertilizer? If yes, how much?
my sunflower died