March 17, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Garlic Indoors Anytime Anywhere

Indoor Garlic Growing Made Easy! Did you forget to plant your Garlic this fall? Or maybe you didn’t plant enough and you want more, but the ground is frozen or covered in snow? Well, fear not my temperate friends…

You can grow Garlic indoors and its super easy. Check that….almost TOO easy. There’s a couple of steps different than traditional outdoor planting, but other than that, I’d say indoor growing of Garlic might even be the superior method of growing! Really though! Watch the video and find out why.

Best Beginner Garlic Planting Video Ever!:
Growing Garlic In Containers:
Harvesting And Storing Your Garlic:
Ultimate DIY Soil Mix:

If growing a fall garden full of delicious organic veggies for you and your family including Garlic is something you’re passionate about, consider joining our Facebook Group called “Growing, Better”. Everyone is welcome and its one of the fastest-growing communities online. Share, learn, GROW!:

Fabric Grow Bags are an excellent alternative to standard pots, and in some cases even better for large single plant crops like Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, and even Garlic! Lightweight, inexpensive, and they come in almost any size! Check out the affiliate links below and give them a try!

Amazon Canada:
Amazon USA:
Amazon UK:

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2020, this inexpensive set of tools from Amazon can get you and your Garlic up and running this year as well as prepare your gardens for fall! I know there is a fevered and renewed interest in gardening and many of you are seasoned vets. But remember that there’s a whole population out there that hasn’t gardened before. Let’s help them out and encourage as much as possible! Affiliate links below:

Amazon USA:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon U.K.:

#garlic #growinggarlic #indoorgarlic

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Garlic Indoors Anytime Anywhere

  1. Started garlic in the beginning of October in my raised bed, but I also put a few cloves in a pot. When should I bring in the container? I did not cold treat any of the cloves, since it isn't required in my zone 6 garden for growing in raised beds. Thanks

  2. Thank you so much for this video. I’m new to growing garlic indoors and would appreciate your input. I live in Montreal (the North!) and planted a few pots outside around October. Since we had a hot month, and going into Nov, they all sprouted but have had a couple of freezing nights. Question please: is it best to just eat the existing sprouted plants or will they work better if I move the pots inside for the winter -even without that much light?

  3. wasn't clear on the watering. was the pot with holes or does the water just stay in the pot? I assume it does not have holes since your mentioned that one good watering should last 6-8 weeks BUT you also mentioned that it's better to be too dry that too wet then how can all that water that last for 6-8weeks be good? I'm totally clueless. Cheers

  4. So I planted garlic indoors but I planted them without the refrigeration period. My garlic plant is about 4 inches tall now. Can I place the garlic outside during the days to mimic the dormant period?

  5. I would love one day to grow my own parsley and all relatives… carrots potatoes garlic aubergines tomatoes onions all basic vegetables… I dont know though how much space they need all these…
    I would like to have some kilos of each… i mean like for 365 days of the year 50 aubergines are ok cause you dont eat everyday potatoes could go like 200 cause its more common in food carrots also like 50 of them 100 tomatoes 200 onions and 100 garlics approximately… and like 30 green onions… After all that… then maybe some 30 beetroots… and im happy!! How much space i need??

  6. Thanks for this. I have been wanting to do some indoor gardening to complement my outdoor space. If you're still around, I have a question. Does garlic benefit from mycorrhizal fungus?

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