Compost is the foundation to a thriving vegetable garden. In fact, compost heaps are nothing short of horticultural alchemy, turning garden waste and kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich goodness.
If you’re not yet composting, now’s as good a time as any to get started. If you are, then perhaps there’s room for improvement. There’s a lot of advice dispensed on the best ways to do it, but really composting doesn’t need to be that complicated.
In this short video we go back to basics with our guide to making beautiful, earthy compost for free – quickly and efficiently.
To find out how to turn your fallen leaves into a wonderful soil improver, check out How to Make Leafmold (Gardeners Gold!):
If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
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Does it need to be undercover? I've been doing mine in steel galvanised bins because I thought they weren't supposed to get too wet.
One thing I always do, is add finished compost to my compost bin. I sprinkle it throughout as I'm filling it. And then add a good layer on top before I give it a good watering. That good compost coffee, trickles down into the pile and gets those hungry microbes from the compost to work turning that fresh organic matter into dark brown gold.
I'm over 30 now which means I get far too excited about compost.
Would adding a mollases water mixture be a good idea since its used in compost tea to feed the microbes so wouldn't it help compost pile have more or bet microbactereial activity
I use a post Auger (Drill) to mix mine up, works a treat and doesn't take long
Started using diluted urine last year and the difference is incredible.
Wish i had more room in my postage stamp sized garden. Regardless, Great Hints and Tips .
Man i love his voice lol
I know this video was over a year ago but iv just got my first allotment and I have a lot of weeds I'm trying to shift , can they go on the compost heap ? And will they turn to compost ?
I have a question: when do you stop adding to the compost pile, and just let it cook?
You mean human pee? Should I go out there and pee on my compost heap?
I find it really hard to mix a compost bin :/
Heated (to clean them) ground eggshells. Eggshells are high in calcium, but they take a long, long time to be bioavailable.
I use my tractor to shred the leaves in automn, so it takes less place in the compost bin and it composts faster.
I’ve just bought a John Innes No 2 Compost. I’m not sure over the Spring & Summer , how often I should put it on the flower & Veg beds & also should I cover all of the beds or just around each plant ?
How about charcoal ash being added to the compost heap? Cheers
Really helpful video, thanks Ben! I started my compost bin a few months ago and add in everything you mention – a question about cardboard though, I don't add glossy cardboard or anything about that…but I do add cardboard with colours and printing on e.g. pizza boxes. Is this ok as long as it's not coated with anything?
cardboard is an excellent insulator, a good idea is to line the compost bin with cardboard, also,cover it with cardboard to keep the heat in, the aim is to heat the materials which break down quicker when sheltered from the elements. I get mine for free at the supermarket.
Is mushroom compost a decent medium to grow sweet potato in?
Love your videos! Question about compost. We have chickens and use pinewood shavings in the coops. I have been warned against adding the used pinewood shavings after cleaning out the coop to my compost. I know the chicken manure is good but is the pinewood harmful or not beneficial to a garden or compost?
tim brooke taylor?
how come youtubers sond like they did the media presenter and boradcaster course?
decent compost vid
are beans considered a brown or a green?
dont use your own urine if you take any medication because then chemical's from the medication will be in urine
I have a large walnut tree in my garden, much of my compost is made from the leaves. Can I use the compost?