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From bean to beans. I pruned the bush a bit because it was growing out of control. And the bush itself isn’t maybe the nicest looking one it would have probably grown to be much nicer looking with a proper big pot. But then we wouldn’t have seen the nice roots!
I Hope you will enjoy the video, back again next week!
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Music: Dreamin’ – Hara Noda
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Time Lapses, Macro and Other cool stuff
The person who put so much efforts in making this video is the best. You have inspired me to start a kitchen garden. But the problem is that I don't know anything about botany. Could you also make a video on how to maintain such plants. It would be a great help for beginners. Thank you so much.
Wait you only watered it once?
you can make a loop video of life, from seed to plant , then the plant dry die ,the seed planted, then every thing go agian and agian ,like million ago ,like now
I watch these time lapses on daily basis so relaxing
Want a sprite cranberry
I guess you can say you made a “Beanlapse video”.
Buonasera, vorrei chiedere se si può riutilizzare il video per inserirne alcune parti in un nuovo video didattico che servirà per spiegare le parti della pianta, le funzioni e le trasformazioni per bambini di una scuola primaria
nice. now do a human.
Так рождается жизнь.
Why is nobody talking about the music?
It’s amazing
Do you pollinate by hand
So nice!
Que pasa si no crece mas
yo planto frijoles y que hagas videos nuevos
wish we could see the inside of it as its growing
That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. So Beautiful is the hand of Nature.
this is so beautiful, my food is grown not born
I planted this once and it died because I think the pot was small
Apoco nacen en 42 días yo pence que en dos meses
God, you created the heavens and earth and you get all the glory for this.