June 28, 2024

VIDEO: This PVC Compost Sifter Fits On Top Of Your Wheelbarrow

Check out this super cool compost sifter. It is a barrel tumbler design and is very affective at sifting compost down to the perfect size. Better yet, it sits right on our wheelbarrow. Thanks for the gift!

rolling compost sifter: https://rollingsifter.ecwid.com/ Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: This PVC Compost Sifter Fits On Top Of Your Wheelbarrow

  1. If I used that it would break. Mine is 2 ten speed rims with 1/4 inch hardware cloth between them. I cut the spokes out so that it is supported equally in 3 places with enough room to put a big shovel full through. Then I sewed the hardware cloth with the wire that was used to hold the role together. That same wire was also used to attach it to the rims. The material goes in one side and out the other. I built a frame to go from front to back on a construction sized wheel barrow and made to stay positioned on it. That one you got is good for small jobs. The only downside to using a trummel is the sifted material can get flung out of the wheel barrow from the spinning. You almost have to have a skirt around it to make the rogue siftings fall where you want them.

  2. Thanks for this video. I am cheap, so I will make my own out of some wire spools I have sitting around, since I have three loads from chip drop that I need to move. Going to spread the fine stuff into the grass in the front yard.

  3. A company made something similar to this over about 10 years ago and I used it to sift out my worms so the worms casting fell out through the screen and the worms came out the end put the worms until you knew food and start over but the worm eggs fell through one loss benefit but there’s so many eggs

  4. What a cool take on a compost sifters. Are those rivets to hold the mesh together? Im guessing the metal on both ends is custom made by someone. I suppose you could take a long thin flat piece of metal, put a v bend, then bend it into a circle, cut excess and weld…

    Id like to go for a larger drum size and have it engine powered to rollers on the bottom

  5. I came across this when I was looking for a soil sieve. My soil has a lot of rocks so whenever I backfill after planting ornamentals I use a milk crate to get rid of them. Recognizing this is not intended for soil, I had the same thought about the size of the openings mentioned in the video.

  6. I am looking at another of your videos from 2 yrs ago, while watching this video, that’s title is “Why you shouldn’t sift your compost”. I’m confused….

  7. It looks like the OD of the hoop on the open end bears directly on the frame (no rolling elements). In that case, sooner or latter it will wear out at the contact points. Is that correct or am I missing something? I'd also like to know if it is rated for weight. If so, what is the limit?

  8. This video sold me on the 1/2" sifter. After spending "hours" sifting dirt and back breaking pain, I think this will be worth it. It will save time, and money. and really the price is worth what it would cost me in parts and time to build one myself. I can't wait for it to get here.

  9. I have look at so many sifters over the past few months and nothing got my attention as the one above, demoed by Mlgardener, made/inventor by Cheryl. I am a big home gardener and raise my on worm bins 5 total at this time.I was surprise when I call Cheryl direct list line and got the inventor of the rolling sifter on my first try. What a personality, she took the time to ask about my needs and recommended the size and offer to add the screens to fit my multiple jobs I plan to use the units for, just awesome! I see these sifters saving me so much time in sifting my worm castings as well as cutting time off my big compost piles. Small businesses make the world go around, James Williams

  10. Thank you for the details on the sifter. You persuaded me to take a closer look. It is well built and a big time saver over the old screen in a frame that I had used for years. The quality of the workmanship is excellent, with solid fasteners and ample glue. It is lightweight but sturdy and therefore easy to carry around to different projects. It is well designed and operates smoothly. Cheryl is such a joy to work with: responsive, generous and kind in all my dealings. It is very satisfying to deal with someone who has integrity.

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