In this video, I show you how I grow vegetables in recycled milk bottles to save money and experiment to see how well different types of vegetables and herbs grow in small containers and spaces.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
#gardening #hacks
G'day Everyone, you know I love raised bed gardening (in those high side metal beds) and now I'm happy to announce that I've made a deal with Birdies Raised Garden beds in Australia & New Zealand go to or and use Code SSMEbird for a 5% discount. For USA, go here to get Birdies Raised Garden beds: and use SSME2020 for a 5% discount.
Good idea, Thank you! I will begin saving milk jugs and try this out with a few herbs and veggies next spring/summer.
I"ve been saving juice containers and wondering if this was feasible they are taller. This is useful advice
Super star.great work
very impressive you have a believer I am going to try that method Thamh you
Have you tried darkening the base and testing against the transparent/opaque base?
Thanks for sharing. I do gardening as well. I am now planting my Fall garden.
Yes. Thanks for sharing about the milk container.
I split mine around the midsection and use them as free seedling greenhouses. Light does fine. The cap lets them breathe. Much better imo than trays or solo cups. The top half also doubles as a scoop for dry ferts, mixing a quick liquid boost, etc.
To help with the watering try putting the milk jugs in a Poly-Pro Plastic Flower Box Planter, Black, 36-Inch. Plug up the drain holes put an inch of water in it and let the plants suck up the water they need. I did this with house plants when I went on vacation (Put them in the bathtub with an inch of water).
This is an excellent idea and the best way to recylce. I have some vinegar containers that will work perfectly with this idea.
Great, love it. Now if I could just turn my pale green thumb ………
I grow succulents and cacti in tomato sauce jugs like these.You have a colour coordinated set of pots and if you put a cable tie around the handle and use an S hook you cam hang them on the fence.
With Australian temperatures this have to be watered every 20 minutes. Good idea for spring seedlings though
Very nice I have done it you can do it that way to harvest seeds too!
Hi mate. These look great. Have you done any hydroponic gardens?
Is it empty below yr big tank i mean hollow or u can fill with water because yr video did not show the bottom of the tank.please ket me know
Great way to sample New varieties of veggies without sacrificing portions of your garden beds. Seems exceptionally productive for Lettuces, Herbs & Radish. I'm going to try it.
Bloody amazing fantastic idea
I thought radishes needed at least 12 inches below the soil line to grow? This is what I read on a packet. Can you tell me if this is correct?
I really appreciate these experiments into small space gardening! Thank you!
I am just starting to grow my own veggies but am struggling with the math on quantities. If i eat 2 carrots a day thats 14 a week and 56 per month, now when i add my kids i realise i need to have 100 carrots per month and then what about next month? So growing your own is great but somehow i get the feeling i need acres of area to be self sufficient?
I love the way you plant in the bottles I will prepare some thanks for sharing friend
Thanks for the video. Great idea. I am just curious as to whether anyone has tried 2-litre milk bottles?
I've got some 10 litre water containers, so I'll give them a go. Thanks mate!
he gives so much friendly wibe.he should be in my neighbour hood i would have learned alot from you sir
this personality is so much full of love compassion due to his time he spent with nature
I have already started collecting half gallon jugs for something else but I think I will try this and do herbs and maybe lettuce. Carrots and radishes…no. The cukes are an intriguing idea since I want them to grow up and not on the ground, and they can vine up around netting/string. Gonna try one plant just to see. Hey, gardening is a lot of experimentation…part of the fun.