March 16, 2025

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Shenanigans on the Plot

  1. Great Update Adam,
    You have been busy getting those beds dug over, nice little harvest too !
    Good work.
    Do you still have your other channel is was going to search but couldn’t remember the name ?
    Best wishes

  2. My oh my….how you have changed how you do things from when you 1st started this channel. Roasted parsnip chips w/ Bear steak & Coka Cola sauce. Don't laugh….there was a joint in Philly that made a name for itself with menu items like that. Thanx for posting bud. Merry Christmas to you & yours.

  3. Hi Adam, I don't know If you've heard, but Dad passed away on Tuesday, he'd become very poorly, but passed away peacefully, after he put up a brave fight, I was with him most of the time, till the end, regards Judith

  4. Hi Adam, Interesting update from the plot. Like your goodself I have never come across the term "chop & drop". I am sure many gardeners still dig out their bean trench, for the next season, and throw in all the spent vegetable matter along with any kitchen waste that will rot. Back filling with soil before the start of the sowing season. Seems a better way of treating this type of material, but each to their own!

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