March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Mulching Garlic – How and Why You Should Do It

Have you ever grown garlic and lost it to winter cold? We have and it is so frustrating. We began mulching and now we recommend it for anyone growing garlic. In this video we will be showing you how to mulch your garlic, and what mulch is best. Check out our new clothing line!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mulching Garlic – How and Why You Should Do It

  1. The deer have been biting the tops off my garlic. I planted the first row in mid-October but we have had warm weather until now. Yes, everything I grow, except herbs, has to be protected. Do you think the garlic will resprout in Spring? Thank you! You are an amazing gardener.

  2. S.E Ont Cda. I planted my garlic end of October. Surrounded by maples trees on my farm. I raked up and put about 3-4 inches on my bed. Then it blew all away! Did it again and threw a VERY LIGHT layer of fine woodchips, here & there to hold it down. NOT over the whole bed. Still holding. It is a small bed that I planted about 165 cloves in. I always cover my garlic with leaves. I have SO MANY. No cost, just very light work as I am 67 yo. I gentley rake it off when the garlic pokes through in perhaps Mar/Apr.

  3. Omg Luke, I did this and the wind blew it all over my yard, it’s a total mess.

    Yes most of it is still in the beds but there are now cedar chips all over the yard. 2/10 would not do again

  4. Last winter season I held onto the garlic bulbs so they kind of dried before planting, which was obviously too late. I did get garlic, but not nearly as much as I expected from what all was planted. This year, it appears I've put the garlic in too early (the middle of November) as much of its already sprouted. Despite that, I went ahead and mulched over the greens with hemp (not marijuana) bale (animal bedding I use) and leaves. Today I see the garlic greens sticking up through the mulch So far winter seems kind of like winter light, and I see the arugula is still green under its little Quonset. Also the broccoli plants' still growing. But I just don't know that the crop of garlic can continue growing with January and February ahead. I guess time will tell. If I lose the crop I am going to be so sad though. Silly I know, but please say a little prayer for the garlic crop. Sigh…… Thank you for this video. If I lose this crop, at the end of this year I'll follow this planting video to the T.

  5. Have a quick question. Planted garlic in a large container at beginning of October. It sprouted big time. I did mulch with straw. Do you think it will be ok here on Long Island, zone 7? Hoping my first time will work!

  6. Probably could get shavings cheaper at Tractor Supply, than a pet store product. They sell a compressed yard for horse bedding, in two forms (shavings and shredded). Also, straw is a byproduct of grain production and shouldn’t have weed seeds at all. Maybe you’re confusing straw with hay, which is just mowed field grasses. Straw, however has a down side IMO. Grain nowadays is GMO and is likely drenched in Glyphosate and the like. Love your vids. Thx

  7. Great information thank you! One thing I have noticed regarding using leaves for mulch on my garlic here in Zone 5b Ontario is that they work much better if I shred the leaves first. Chop them up a bit with a lawn mower or a shredder first then apply. They do not blow away then.

  8. I have a couple of neighbours with chicken coops – may be time to walk around the neighbourhood and see if they have any of this. Have you ever used (or have an opinion on) seaweed as a mulch?

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