September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Care For Poinsettias (And Make Them Bloom Next Year)

Poinsettias are a quintessential holiday plant but can be finicky to care for. If you learn where they come from and what conditions they like, you can not only keep them looking amazing throughout the holidays but care for them the following year and force them to flower for NEXT Christmas as well.

0:00 – Intro
1:11 – Poinsettia Facts
1:52 – Buying The Best Pointsettia
3:53 – Light & Temperature
4:41 – Watering & Humidity
5:25 – Fertilizing
7:02 – Post-Holiday Care
10:34 – Forcing Poinsettias to Flower

SPONSOR: Espoma Organic

Espoma Organic has been organic from the start and makes absolutely epic potting mixes, and organic fertilizers. Their Organic Potting Mix is perfect for Pointsettias:


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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Care For Poinsettias (And Make Them Bloom Next Year)

  1. Can you plant 2 poinsettias in 1 pot? I have several plants from over the last few years and I'd to combine them if this is possible, and can they be put outside on a deck for summer? I live in Virginia.

  2. I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS and thought you deserved more comments but don't know what else to say. Um. You kinda look like the lost third property brother.

  3. Thank you, I like your material very much. Where is your video on making a hole (drainage) in the decorative pot and cheap pot episodes? I didn't see them linked.

  4. Thank you for this informative video. It's mid-July and my poinsettia plant is still alive! Miraculous because I've historically had a brown thumb. Going to try to get it to bloom this next Christmas.

  5. Mine have been planted in the ground for close to 3 years now. They are on the north side of my house and get a lot of bright sun, no direct sun but a lot of wind. I live in zone 9 where the heat can go well over 100°. Last February we had one of the hardest freezes that lasted days. I was so sure my poinsettias were doomed. Well, I gotta tell you they survived and have grown to be over 4’ tall. They have never turned red again but I’m going to see if I can help them bloom that lovely color if not this year then definitely next year.

  6. I live in England & have kept my poinsettia thriving since last year. A question on darkness, you say 15 hours but then what? Should it be in light but make sure it has 15 hours of darkness or constant darkness until it goes red?

  7. I bought two of these from the nursery. One pot is placed indoor and the other outdoor. The green leaves start falling after two weeks, not sure if it can last through till Christmas 🙁
    I lived in a tropical country and temperature ranging between 28~32 degree. May I know what went wrong and how do I save the plant?

  8. way too many care tips, in my opinion. I got mine from a nursery and treated it as any other plant in my house. In the spring I gave it bigger pot and left on the porch till first frost – it tripled in size and green tips turned red again. The only thing I did – was moving it into dark bathroom overnight mid-October till late November once I noticed it started turning red on the tips to give it longer hours of darkness and it worked perfectly.

  9. When i was growing we had a huge tree like this in our would be this bright red every Christmas season we called it our Christmas tree…right here in the Caribbean

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