March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Hydroponic Set Up for Tiny Tim Tomatoes Two Ways: Kratky and DWC (Deep Water Culture)

The Tiny Tim Tomatoes are ready for a new home, so I set up two hydroponic systems, one Kratky and one DWC (Deep Water Culture). This video is the set up, stay tuned for updates and hopefully a nice bounty of cherry tomatoes!
Here are Amazon affiliate links to products used in this video:
Masterblend Hydroponic Formula:
Tiny Tim Tomato Seeds:
Air Pump:
3 inch net cups:
Rockwool Cubes:

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hydroponic Set Up for Tiny Tim Tomatoes Two Ways: Kratky and DWC (Deep Water Culture)

  1. I love your videos and can't wait until the next one comes out. So much good information. Thanks so much. I'm in a wheelchair and don't get out much so I'm on you tube constantly and videos like yours just make my day.

  2. Love these videos! Do you have a video about your lighting setup, and how much it costs to run daily? That's my biggest reservation with hydroponic growing – the energy bill.

  3. Thank you for your explanation of both your systems. Very informative.
    I have an Asian pear tree that I grew from seed with the Kratky method do you think I should put it in a pot with soil. It is now 1ft tall

  4. As a middle school science teacher, I appreciate how you experiment and compare outcomes rather than just show a simgle method. (P.S…. good for you for owning up to being confused by the metric system, and kudos for knowing how to problem-solve!)

  5. Thank you so much for your great videos! They have really helped me get started. I purchased these same green totes and the pump you often use. I was wondering if you can share more about how you manage water changes and if you trim roots. I have found water changes to be quite cumbersome and roots are covering up the air stones. I'm interested in learning about ways to make this more efficient and am curious how you manage it. Thanks!

  6. Question. I am using DWC for tomatoes, it's going great so far. Yesterday I received a strawberry clone, and I put it in a separate DWC setup. Can I use the same nutrients with the strawberries? I am using the master blend formula with magnesium sulfate and calcium nitrate.

  7. I started my first attempt at hydroponics 2 weeks ago with Basil the Kratky method in mason jars. The Basil roots were growing fast and White. Then I saw your video that showed a noticeable difference doing dwc vs kratky and tried it. Got me a 17 Gallon Black tote with yellow lid, 4w air pump 2 small air stones, Fox Farm Grow Big Fertilizer, Monios L T5 LED 2 ft full spectrum grow light 30 watt. So after I set it up I didn't fix the ph level of my water and just added 24 tsp of fertilizer to 12 gallons of water and placed the plants in. 2 days later the roots turned Brown and my plants have stopped growing since! I also purchased Hydroguard and added 24 ml to the water 2 days ago and don't see a change in the roots. I don't even know how much and how often to add Hydroguard again. I realize it's a long message but, my heart is into not giving up and growing my own foods here at home. I would sincerely appreciate any advise. Thank You. P.s. you make hydroponics look so easy where did I go wrong?

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