March 4, 2025

VIDEO: Can you eat grass?

Earlier this year, we posted a video all about the worst weed we’ve encountered in our deep mulch garden: Quackgrass (AKA couch grass, twitch grass, witch grass, devil’s grass, etc.)

In this video, we decided to test out it’s claimed edibility, and made some quackgrass rhizome tea.

Original Quackgrass video:

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Can you eat grass?

  1. When my dad bought his first house in the states the neighbour complained because he didn't know dandelions were considered weeds and he let them cover the yard.

    In China they're considered a delicacy and people often harvest them as soon as they appear so that it's actually rare to find them.

    It's funny to think the reason certain weeds become a problem is because we don't see the value in them.

  2. Here in VA, there is kudzu, poison ivy, English ivy, and Virginia Creeper, some of which grow in similar ways to the quack grass.
    It would be great to come up with good uses for these, especially the kudzu!
    Thank you for interesting videos, i'm a new subscriber…

  3. We did the no-til garden thing for 3 years and have fought the last 3 droughts enjoying the straw mulch for it s ET benefits. But this year with that cold spring the slugs decimated our garden, and quack grass decided it was its year to make its move. My wife called uncle after replanting the second time and removed the mulch to get the soil to finally warm up and let the plants get ahead of the slugs. That let the quack grass flourish even more and creeping charlie to join the party. I gave up this fall and instead of cover cropping opted to do a fall burn down with roundup weathermax and eragon and ran the rototiller. Hopefully after some composted beef manure and some elemental sulfur we'll make the no-til thing work very well with what we've learned over the last 3 years.

  4. I see the question about dehydration has been properly answered already, so I just wanted to say I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS 🙂 I'm stuck living in a 3x4m room in the city and it's a breath of fresh air to spend some time thinking about gardening and nature in general.

  5. We have animals eat the grass for us then we eat the animals. But, our farmers usually feed them corn instead to save money. So the animals get sick from the corn diet and then the farmers give the animals antibiotics to keep them alive. This is the reason why you have health problems. All because we refuse to feed the animals grass. Someone get a clue please.

  6. Not sure why, but I came here to ask if you can take a handful of grass, crush it with some water in a mortar and pestle, and eat it

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